Cybercrime : Detected in Argentina a new type of scam

Detected in Argentina a new type of scam that is circulating in recent months that uses the ignorance of the victim to make it complicit in this act. This is a loan that ends in robbery, and published through a classified ad in newspapers or journals. The text can be read: personal loans, three salary, with minimum guarantees. A powerful text that may entice people who are in need of some extra money and who risk borrowing.

cajero Detectada estafa en préstamos que se anuncian en periódicos e Internet


When the victim is interested in your ad, telephoning the alleged lender to learn about the process. That's where the scam begins, with a recommendation of the alleged thief: "It's very fast, easy. Just have a savings or checking account and go to an ATM for us to agree and make an electronic transfer ". The victim accepts the conditions and almost always a Friday appointment. When in the ATM, heard the voice behind the phone again dictates a series of steps to get the key and get the personal data necessary to perpetrate the scam.

After this telephone conversation, says the alleged fraudster: "In a while you do the transfer to your account, but you can not touch the machine until Monday when I return to be a working day ". This time is asked to have a room for two days to empty the account.

To avoid falling victim to these scams, it is best that we not fiemos ad of this type, normally we promise easy money. If we decide to borrow, is best done in a trusted, always making sure to meet with an agent in person to explain to us the terms of service and avoid mistakes.

These kinds of scams often leverage situations financial reviews of the victims to take a broad economic benefit. That is why, although our situation is desperate, We should not trust everything they offer us, and we must study well all alternatives. In this case, scammers captured his victims through ads in newspapers, so they could create a false sense of confidence.
