Prensentación of “Crimes on the Web, crimes of XXI century”


Synopsis:A detailed inventory of traps web, with its legal counterpart, will allow us to defend ourselves from dangerous, unknown and unexpected ways criminals.

Dr. Diego Migliorisi wrote the first manual on cybercrime published in South America, with real stories of each case and a thorough investigation of new forms of fraud, abuse and assault.
Synopsis:A detailed inventory of traps web, with its legal counterpart, will allow us to defend ourselves from dangerous, unknown and unexpected ways criminals.
Dr. Diego Migliorisi wrote the first manual on cybercrime published in South America, with real stories of each case and a thorough investigation of new forms of fraud, abuse and assault.
Unauthorized access / Violation of correspondence / Theft / Theft / Threats / Cyberbullying / Grooming / Ciberbullyng / Incitement to commit crimes / Incitement to suicide / Slander and defamation / Crimes against the democratic order / Misused or phishing (spoofing) / Pedophilia and child pornography on the web / Sexual Fraud / Usurpation of titles and honors / Illegal practice of medicine / Crimes against intellectual property / Computer Damage / Hacking / Typosquatting / Cyberquating / Domain Recovery / Mettataging and commercial disloyalty / Computer fraud / Phishing / Simulation emails / Computer Virus / Spamming / Hoax

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