Simply we just play the official statement of the American Federation of Lawyers on the situation in Venezuela.

The American Bar Association (FIA), is an international organization of lawyers and law students, that integrates all the Bar Associations of America, Spain and France, besides Universities, Law Firms and lawyers individual members.

Tens moral and Washington D.C. (USA), Founded in 1940 for the promotion and preservation of the rule of law, Democracy, Administration of Justice and advocacy practice. It is duly recognized by the Organization of American States (OAS), as NGOs and actively participates in joint programs for professional development and to the Commission and Court of Human Rights. Its objectives are to promote the rule of law and improving the administration of justice through independent justice systems; promote through means consistent with the democratic commitment of the Federation, the preservation and defense of human rights and freedoms of the people that flow from democratic principles on which their countries were established.



The events leading to violent actions and violations of Human Rights and International Agreements, are summarized as follows:




1) As of 12 February 2014, (in the Venezuela Youth Day is celebrated), student leaders from various universities, They called for a peaceful march to the Ministry booths (downtown Caracas), whose content was that the government find solutions to the serious issue of insecurity, shortages of staples, inflation, clarification of the 25 million from the State that were lost, restrictions on freedom of expression, disarmament of collective (government paramilitary) and the release of political prisoners.


2) The march headed to the Public Ministry, which was scheduled to deliver a scroll of applications to the Attorney General of the Nation Dr. Luisa Ortega Díaz.


3) The Attorney General's Office did not come to receive the scroll of requests, whereby, were terminated and student concentration and Leopoldo López leaders withdrew.


4) About an hour and a half later, there were a series of violent events that resulted in the murder of three(3) people, two (2) of them were students who had taken part in the protest.


5) Thereafter began the protests by tens of thousands of people, which have not stopped nationwide and bloody outcomes. Denounce repression of state bodies such as the National Guard, Bolivarian militia and armed groups.


For the facts raised in Caracas, the opposition party leader Leopoldo López, requested by courts of the country having been accused eight offenses; among themselves, conspiracy, homicide qualified for trivial reasons and innobles, terrorism, incitement to commit a crime and four other prequalification, several of which were later dropped by not having any support.


Then, because of this circumstance, Street demonstrations which have been conducted peacefully by a large segment of the population who march worsened, protest walk and civically; being repressed, detainees, wounded, tortured and killed.


Day 18 February, Leopoldo López decided to surrender to justice, noting the government allegedly wanted to kill him and it was his duty to protect. By surrendering opposition leader Venezuelan authorities, is transferred to criminal court in the company of the President of the National Assembly Diosdado Cabello, realizándosele audience presentation at the National Center for Military Defendants (CENAPROMIL) leaving detained incommunicado in military center despite being a civilian citizen.


To date they have been processed near 800 people nationwide, some released, other detainees and others missing in the prison system. There are dozens of complaints of human rights violations, curtailment of freedom of expression, treatment and crueles inhumanos así as degrading, hundreds of arrests across the country, above 10 deaths and officers are still complaining, cacerolazos, peaceful marches and rallies. The government maintains the street to the National Guard, SEBIN, Bolivarian Militia, addition to motor buses and carrying automatic weapons. One of the Border States with Colombia, was militarized and suspended service communications (phone and internet).


The FIA ​​Venezuela chapter, concerned about these serious events, particularly in the persons of its president Rafael Garcia Veloz, Former FIA president and senator UIBA; and the Director General of Venezuela Chapter and chairman of the human rights of the FIA ​​Dr. Ramón Carrillo Flores, they contacted the president of the FIA ​​Lic. José Alberto Álvarez, and coursed invitation to all members as well as members of the Human Rights Committee and advisers, for purposes might witness “in situ” what happens in Venezuela, evaluate and lifted a report to generate a resolution of the FIA ​​and be elevated to the OAS, UN and other international bodies in the field.




Despite the hostile situation and inherent risk, FIA president Lic. José Alberto Álvarez de Panama and Dr. Juan Carlos Esquivel of Costa Rica President of the Committee against Corruption and Money Laundering, under the request of the Venezuelan Chapter of the FIA ​​and to the events reported in international media presensa, participated on 21 and 22 public and private audiences with foundations and NGOs Human Rights Defenders, such as the Venezuelan Penal Forum, represented by Dr. Alfredo Romero, Tamara Suju and Lilian Camejo, who made a presentation and report very sensitive consigned injured, tortured, arrested and killed. Also, highlighted the case of a young woman who was raped with FAL "weapon of war" by an official of the national armed forces; also a young man who was tortured with sponges full of needles under her arms, and was exposed for the Miss Tourism, who was killed by a bullet in the head as he walked in the company of friends during one of the demonstrations.


He further stated Dr. Erlenis Rodriguez, president of FUNDECI, with Dr. Carlos Aponte, consigning information on detainees, wounded and deceased. Similarly Coordination of HR Bar Association of Caracas, through Dra. Da Silva y Williams Maritza Jimenez, and other injured persons report filed, torturaros and missing, among which are cases of people who were shot at close range with shotguns (who had originally lost an eye and was trying to save his life, being who died on Saturday afternoon), rifles with rubber bullets that ripped leg to a young, women and youth with pellets embedded all over his body, etc..


In that order showed up the president of the National Association of Journalists of Venezuela, Lic. Tinedo Guía, great experience in journalism and Venezuelan television station RCTV, which the grant was withdrawn during the government of President Hugo Chavez; who denounced censorship of television channels and radio stations as well as layoffs of journalists; moreover, also participated from Argentina (vía Skype) el Dr. Carlos Andreucchi, former president and current Chairman of FACA COADEM and finally the engineer José Morillo, director of the Confederation of University Professionals in Venezuela (CONFEPUV) who presented a series of photographs of dead and injured, explaining the implements used in the attack, among which tear gas, pepper spray, Shotguns, rifles and light weapons.


It is imperative to note that were invited several NGOs who for various reasons could not attend, including, Watch, disculpándose en razón de haber sido víctima de amenazas y hostigamiento; el abogado del dirigente opositor Leopoldo López, Dr.. Bernardo Pulido, y el Sr. Leopoldo López (padre), excusándose ambos por compromisos en la cárcel militar donde se encuentra recluido López. Las distinttas organizaciones que no pudieron asistir por distintas causas, están enviando sus informes al Capìtulo de la FIA. Se realizó reunión con el Dr. Diego Arria, ex presidente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU.


Se cumplió con el deber de formalizar invitaciones por escrito y selladas con el recibido correspondiente, a la Iglesia, al Fiscal General de la República, a la Defensora del Pueblo y el Ministro de Relaciones Interiores y Justicia, those who did not were present or demonstrated in any way.


Similarly, we witnessed the military presence in the various streets of Caracas, members of the motorized police moved in groups of at least three, as well as water tanks ¨ ¨ which expel water at high pressure. We saw videos that are being analyzed where handcuff a citizen against a pole and beat him at close range with running water, who seek protection and to move beyond the post, is moved by members of the National Guard and accommodated ¨ ¨ for the blow Water Front, while members of the Guard were protected by their riot shields and laughed at what happened.


We note that at no time observed armed citizens, conversely, in demonstrations ranged from children to adults, with banners expressing their dissatisfaction with the current situation, flags of Venezuela and political parties.


We learned that the government called for a march of supporters on Saturday, the same, very close to where it would take up peaceful citizens and could have generated a confrontation which today, lamentanto we would be the death of many people. In a wise way, organizers of civil society, changed their demonstration site to prevent clashes, which however, se dieron ya terminada la marcha al atacar la policía a civiles que circulaban por la calle, incluso, frente al hotel Lido donde nos encontrabamos hospedados, razón por la cual, la seguridad del Hotel bajó las cortinas metálicas para proteger a los huéspedes.



En vista de las pruebas recabadas en las audiencias llevadas a cabo en la ciudad de Caracas los días 21 and 22 de Febrero del año en curso, la Federación Interamericana de Abogados que vela por la defensa de las leyes y la institución democrática en las Américas, condena el uso de la fuerza por parte del Gobierno Venezolano y en contra de sus ciudadanos, el abuso de poder, la restricción a la libertad de prensa tanto escrita como televisiva, freedom of expression, libertad de manifestación, use of firearms against a civilian population, use of pepper spray affecting seniors and children among others and violation of human rights of its citizens and urges the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to depose violence and engage in dialogue with citizens for the restoration of peace and state law should govern all Democratic country.


The American Bar Association, emphatically condemns, the use of force by any government and especially in the case of the Venezuelan government and calls on all its members, Chapters of the FIA, bars, associations, Professional schools, Federations, Universities and law firms in North America and Latin America, Directions to make this statement on their governments of their respective countries and publicly speak out against the violation of the laws and the Venezuelan Constitution, Human Rights of the citizens of that country, and the violation of international agreements that their actions has violated and is violating the government led by President Maduro in Venezuela, urging the cessation of violence, the establishment of peace and dialogue between the government and its citizens.


This statement is issued at the headquarters of the American Bar Association in Washington, United States of America on 25 February 2014.



Lic. Jose Alberto Alvarez


IABA President


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