Cuban penal code
Peru : They warn that the Computer Crimes Act affects the freedom of expression
Opinion was approved by Congress in less than six hours and is just waiting for the enactment of the Head of State, despite serious questions about the ambiguities and inconsistencies in their… Continue reading
Travel to North Korea, the country where you plan to haircuts
We share the special note of the ABC in North Korea . MGL Lawyers contacted North Korean Embassy in Europe to request information from your legal regime , but received one resounding negative for “issues espado”
Day 28/04/2013 – 04.39h
Six years later, ABC regresa a Pyongyang, where journalists come with dropper Continue reading
Migliorisi Abogados informs
In the next days the section internacionacioles free consultations will be inaugurated , dispocision where we will put all the information of the legal regimes of the world translated into Spanish : have the following codes : Spanish penal code , aleman criminal code , Cuban penal code , criminal code Brazil, codigo penal de Guinea Ecuatorial, code Continue reading