Argentina y Chile dentro de la lista negra de la piratería de Estados Unidos
Ambassador Michael B.G. Froman
Office of the United States Trade Representative
It has been 25 years since the first Special 301 Report was published in 1989. The first report,
called a “Fact Sheet,” highlighted 25 trading partners – eight on the Priority Watch List and 17
on the Watch List.
Over the past 25 years, the Special 301 Report has identified positive advances as well as areas
of continued concern. The Report has reflected changing technologies, promoted best practices,
and situated these critical issues in their policy context, underscoring the importance of
intellectual property rights protection and enforcement to the United States and our trading
During this period, there has been significant progress in a variety of countries. For instance,
Korea, which appeared on the Priority Watch List in the original 1989 Fact Sheet, has since been
removed from both the Priority Watch List and the Watch List. Korea has transformed itself
from a country in need of intellectual property rights enforcement into a country with a
reputation for cutting-edge innovation as well as high-quality, high-tech manufacturing. Korea is
now one of the top patent filers internationally and a U.S. trade agreement partner with state-of-
the art standards of intellectual property rights protection and enforcement. Italy, which was first
placed on the Watch List in 1989, is removed from the Watch List in 2014 in recognition of its
latest effort, addressing copyright piracy over the Internet. Likewise, the Philippines, which was
first placed on the Watch List in 1989, is removed from the Watch List in 2014 based on
sustained actions that the Philippine government has undertaken to improve intellectual property
rights protection and civil and administrative enforcement in the Philippines. There have also
been important advances in many other markets over the past 25 years that have been reflected in
the Special 301 Report, including in Australia, Israel, Japan, Qatar, Spain, Taiwan, the United
Arab Emirates, and Uruguay.
Still, considerable concerns remain. In 2014, 10 countries are on the Priority Watch List and 27
countries are on the Watch List. Several countries, including Chile, China, India, Indonesia,
Thailand, and Turkey, have been listed every year since the Report’s inception.
The Special 301 Report serves a critical function by identifying opportunities and challenges
facing our innovative and creative industries in foreign markets and by promoting the job
creation, economic development, and many other benefits that effective intellectual property
protection and enforcement support. The Special 301 Report informs the public and our trading
partners and can serve as a positive catalyst for change. USTR remains committed to
meaningful and sustained engagement with our trading partners, with the goal of resolving these
The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is responsible for the preparation
of this Report. United States Trade Representative Michael Froman gratefully acknowledges the
contributions of all USTR staff to the writing and production of this Report. USTR extends its
thanks to partner agencies, including the Departments of State, the Treasury, Justice, Agriculture,
Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security, and the U.S. Copyright
In preparing the Report, substantial information was solicited from U.S. Embassies around the
world, from U.S. Government agencies, and from interested stakeholders. The draft of this
Report was developed through the Special 301 Subcommittee of the interagency Trade Policy
Staff Committee.
April 2014
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Public Engagement………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Country Placement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
2014 Special 301 List ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Out-of-Cycle Reviews ……………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets ……………………………………………………………………..8
Format of the Special 301 Report ……………………………………………………………………………………8
AND ENFORCEMENT …………………………………………………………………………………………………..10
Positive Developments …………………………………………………………………………………………………10
Best IPR Practices by Trading Partners …………………………………………………………………………..12
Initiatives to Strengthen IPR Protection and Enforcement Internationally ……………………………13
Trends in Trademark Counterfeiting and Copyright Piracy ……………………………………………….18
Digital, Internet, and Broadcast Piracy ……………………………………………………………………………20
Government Use of Software ………………………………………………………………………………………..23
Trademark Issues and Domain Name Disputes ………………………………………………………………..23
Geographical Indications ………………………………………………………………………………………………24
Intellectual Property and Health Policy …………………………………………………………………………..25
Supporting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovation through Improved Market
Access ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….26
Implementation of the WTO TRIPS Agreement ………………………………………………………………27
WTO Dispute Settlement ……………………………………………………………………………………………..28
Interagency Trade Enforcement Center …………………………………………………………………………..29
SECTION II. COUNTRY REPORTS ……………………………………………………………………………….30
Determination in Section 301 Investigation of Ukraine ……………………………………………..30
PRIORITY WATCH LIST …………………………………………………………………………………………..30
China ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….30
India …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..37
Russia …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………43
Algeria ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..44
Argentina …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….44
Chile …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..44
Indonesia …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….45
Pakistan ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………45
Thailand ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..46
Venezuela ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………46
WATCH LIST ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 47
Barbados ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..47
Bolivia ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..47
Brazil ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….48
Bulgaria ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………48
Canada ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..49
Colombia …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….50
Costa Rica …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..50
Dominican Republic ……………………………………………………………………………………………..51
Ecuador ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………51
Egypt ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….52
Finland ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….52
Greece ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..52
Guatemala …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..53
Jamaica ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….53
Kuwait ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..54
Lebanon ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………54
Mexico ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….54
Paraguay ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..55
Peru ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………55
Romania ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..56
Tajikistan …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….56
Trinidad and Tobago …………………………………………………………………………………………….56
Turkey ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..57
Uzbekistan …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..58
Vietnam ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………58
ANNEX 1. SPECIAL 301 STATUTORY BASIS ……………………………………………………………….59
AND CAPACITY BUILDING …………………………………………………………………………………………60
THE WIPO COPYRIGHT TREATY (WCT) ……………………………………………………………………..63 6
The Special 301 Report is the result of an annual review of the state of intellectual property
rights (IPR) protection and enforcement in U.S. trading partners around world, which the Office
of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) conducts pursuant to Section 182 of the Trade
Act of 1974, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 and the
Uruguay Round Agreements Act (19 U.S.C. § 2242).
This Report reflects the Administration’s continued resolve to encourage and maintain adequate
and effective IPR protection and enforcement worldwide. It identifies a wide range of concerns,
including: (a) the deterioration in IPR protection, enforcement, and market access for persons
relying on IPR in a number of trading partners; (b) reported inadequacies in trade secret
protection in China, India, and elsewhere, as well as an increasing incidence of trade secret
misappropriation; (c) troubling “indigenous innovation” policies that may unfairly disadvantage
U.S. rights holders in China; (d) the continuing challenges of copyright piracy over the Internet
in countries such as Brazil, China, India, and Russia; (e) market access barriers, including
nontransparent, discriminatory or otherwise trade-restrictive measures, that appear to impede
access to healthcare; and (f) other ongoing, systemic IPR enforcement issues in many trading
partners around the world.
USTR looks forward to working closely with the governments of the trading partners that are
identified in this year’s Special 301 Report, to address both emerging and continuing concerns,
and to continue to build on the positive results that many of these governments have achieved.
Public Engagement
USTR continued to enhance public engagement in this year’s Special 301 process, to facilitate
sound, well-balanced assessments of IPR protection and enforcement efforts of particular trading
partners, and to help ensure that the Special 301 review is based on a full understanding of the
various IPR issues in trading partner markets. USTR requested written submissions from the
public through a notice published in the Federal Register on January 3, 2014. In addition, on
February 24, USTR conducted a public hearing that provided the opportunity for interested
persons to testify before the interagency Special 301 Subcommittee about issues relevant to the
review. The hearing featured testimony from witnesses such as representatives of foreign
governments, industry, and non-governmental organizations. For the first time, USTR recorded
and posted on its website the testimony at the Special 301 hearing, and also offered a two-week
post-hearing comment period during which hearing participants and interested parties could
submit additional information in support of, or in response to, hearing testimony. The 2014
Federal Register notice – and post-hearing comment period – drew submissions from over 100
interested parties, including 21 trading partner governments. These submissions are available to
the public online at, docket number USTR-2013-0040. The public can
access both the video and transcript of the hearing at 7
Country Placement
The Special 301 designations and actions announced in this Report are the result of deliberations
among all relevant agencies within the U.S. Government, informed by extensive consultation
with affected stakeholders, foreign governments, the U.S. Congress, and other interested parties.
USTR, together with the Special 301 Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee,
conducts a balanced assessment of U.S. trading partners’ IPR protection and enforcement, as
well as related market access issues, in accordance with the statutory criteria set out by the U.S.
Congress. (See Annex I).
This assessment is necessarily conducted on a case-by-case basis, taking into account diverse
factors such as a trading partner’s level of development, its international obligations and
commitments, the concerns of rights holders and other interested parties, and the trade and
investment policies of the United States. It is informed by the various cross-cutting issues and
trends identified below in Section I – Developments in Intellectual Property Rights Protection
and Enforcement. Each assessment is based upon the specific facts and circumstances that shape
IPR protection and enforcement regimes in a particular trading partner.
In the year ahead, USTR will continue its bilateral engagement with the governments of the
trading partners that are discussed in this Report. In preparation for, and in the course of, those
interactions, USTR will:
Engage with U.S. stakeholders, the U.S. Congress, and other interested parties to ensure
that the U.S. Government’s position is well-informed by the full range of views on the
pertinent issues;
Conduct extensive discussions with individual trading partners regarding their respective
IPR regimes;
Encourage those trading partners to engage fully, and with the greatest degree of
transparency, with the full range of stakeholders on IPR matters; and
Identify, where possible, appropriate ways in which the U.S. Government can be of
assistance. (See Annex 2 for examples).
USTR will conduct these discussions in a manner that both advances the policy goals of the
United States and respects the importance of meaningful policy dialogue with U.S. trading
partners. Additionally, USTR will continue to work closely with other U.S. Government
agencies to ensure consistency of U.S. trade policy objectives with other Administration policies.
2014 Special 301 List
The Special 301 Subcommittee of the TPSC reviewed 82 trading partners in this year’s Special
301 process. The Subcommittee received stakeholder input on nearly 100 trading partners, but
focused the review on those submissions that complied with the requirement in the Federal 8
Register notice to identify whether a particular trading partner should be named as a Priority
Foreign Country (PFC), placed on the Priority Watch List (PWL) or Watch List (WL), or not
listed in the Report, and that were received by the deadlines provided in the notice. Following
extensive research and analysis, USTR has listed 37 trading partners as follows:
Priority Watch List: Algeria; Argentina; Chile; China; India; Indonesia; Pakistan;
Russia; Thailand; and Venezuela; and
Watch List: Barbados; Belarus; Bolivia; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Colombia; Costa
Rica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; Finland; Greece; Guatemala; Jamaica;
Kuwait; Lebanon; Mexico; Paraguay; Peru; Romania; Tajikistan; Trinidad and Tobago;
Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan; and Vietnam.
The Report also provides an update on the results of the Section 301 investigation of Ukraine
following Ukraine’s designation as a Priority Foreign Country on May 1, 2013.
Out-of-Cycle Reviews
An Out-of-Cycle Review (OCR) is a tool that USTR uses to encourage progress on IPR issues of
concern. It provides an opportunity for heightened engagement and cooperation with trading
partners to address and remedy such issues. Successful resolution of specific IPR issues of
concern can also lead to a change in a trading partner’s Special 301status outside of the typical
time frame for the annual Special 301 Report. In the coming months, USTR will conduct OCRs
of Priority Watch List country India and Watch List countries Kuwait and Paraguay. Details
appear in the country-specific discussions below. Although Spain is not listed in the 2014
Special 301 Report, USTR will continue to conduct an OCR of Spain, announced in 2013, that is
focused in particular on concrete steps taken by Spain to combat copyright piracy over the
Internet. USTR may conduct additional OCRs of other trading partners as circumstances
warrant, or as requested by the trading partner.
Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets
In 2010, USTR began publishing the Notorious Markets List as an OCR separately from the
annual Special 301 Report. The Notorious Markets List identifies selected markets, including
online markets, that are reportedly engaged in piracy and counterfeiting, according to
information submitted to USTR in response to a request for comments pursuant to a Federal
Register notice. USTR requested such comments on September 20, 2013, and published the
2013 Notorious Markets List on February 12, 2014. USTR plans to conduct its next Notorious
Markets OCR in the fall of 2014. The Notorious Markets List is available at
Format of the Special 301 Report
The Special 301 Report is divided into the following two Sections and three Annexes.
Section I. Developments in Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Enforcement
discusses broad global trends and issues in IPR protection and enforcement that the U.S.
Government works to address on a daily basis. 9
Section II. Country Reports includes descriptions of issues of concern with respect to
particular trading partners.
Annex 1 describes the statutory basis of the Special 301 Report.
Annex 2 highlights U. S. Government-sponsored technical assistance and capacity
building efforts.
Annex 3 highlights new ratifications and accessions to the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) and the WIPO
Copyright Treaty (WCT) (collectively, the WIPO Internet Treaties). 10
An important part of the mission of USTR is to support and implement the Administration’s
commitment to protect vigorously the interests of U.S. holders of intellectual property rights
overseas while preserving the incentives that ensure access to and widespread dissemination of
the fruits of innovation and creativity. IPR infringement, including trademark counterfeiting and
copyright piracy, causes significant financial losses for rights holders and legitimate businesses
around the world. It undermines key U.S. comparative advantages in innovation and creativity,
to the detriment of American businesses and workers. In its most pernicious forms, IPR
infringement endangers the public. Some counterfeit products, such as semiconductors,
automobile parts, and medicines, pose significant risks to consumer health and safety. In
addition, trade in counterfeit and pirated products often fuels cross-border organized criminal
networks and hinders the sustainable economic development of many countries.
Because fostering innovation and creativity is essential to U.S. prosperity, competitiveness, and
the support of an estimated 40 million U.S. jobs that directly or indirectly rely on intellectual
property-intensive industries, USTR works to protect American innovation and creativity with all
the tools of U.S. trade policy, including this Report.
Positive Developments
The United States welcomes the following important steps by our trading partners in 2013 and
early 2014.
Algeria – In October 2013, Algeria submitted its instrument of accession to the WIPO
Internet Treaties. Adopted in Geneva in December 1996, the treaties are designed to
maintain the protection of the rights of authors, performers, and producers of phonograms
in the digital age. The treaties entered into force for Algeria on January 31, 2014.
China – In August 2013, the National People’s Congress enacted important amendments
to China’s Trademark Law, including provisions to combat trademark squatting, expand
protection to sound marks, permit multi-class registration, and streamline application and
appeal procedures. The United States welcomes these long-sought reforms, but notes that
a number of important issues not clarified in the law need to be addressed in
implementing regulations that are still under development. The United States will
continue to work closely with China to address these concerns as the implementing
regulations are drafted, adopted, and enter into force. The United States also looks
forward to pending reforms of China’s patent, copyright, trade secrets, and other IP-
related laws and regulations.
European Union (EU) – On November 28, 2013, the European Commission introduced
a proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the 11
Protection of Undisclosed Know-How and Business Information (Trade Secrets) Against
Their Unlawful Acquisition, Use and Disclosure. This Directive would harmonize civil
trade secret law throughout the EU. The United States welcomes this important step and
looks forward to continued progress on this draft measure specifically, and on EU efforts
to protect trade secrets from theft and misappropriation generally.
Israel – On January 23, 2014, Israel passed patent legislation that satisfied its remaining
commitments under a 2010 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United
States. As a result of the successful execution of the MOU, Israel has taken legal and
regulatory measures to make its patent system more transparent, efficient, and effective,
and was removed from the Watch List earlier this year.
Italy – Italy is removed from the Watch List in the 2014 Special 301 Report in
recognition of the Italian Communications Regulatory Authority’s (AGCOM) adoption,
on December 12, 2013, of long-awaited regulations to combat copyright piracy over the
Internet. The regulations, which entered into force on March 31, 2014, provide notice-
and-takedown procedures that incorporate due process safeguards and establish a
mechanism for addressing large-scale piracy. The adoption and entry into force of these
regulations is a significant achievement, resulting from intensive efforts over many years,
which the United States strongly welcomes. We look forward to continuing to work with
Italy on our shared commitment to IPR protection and enforcement, and will closely
monitor Italy’s implementation of these regulations.
Paraguay – On October 10, 2013, President Cartes signed the implementing regulation
(Decree 460) for Law 4798 of 2012 that created the National Directorate of Intellectual
Property (DINAPI). DINAPI is now the Paraguayan government authority responsible
for the administration of copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial designs, and
geographic indications. Additionally, the law authorizes DINAPI’s enforcement arm, the
General Enforcement Directorate, to conduct administrative investigations and initiate
proceedings at customs checkpoints and businesses.
Philippines – The Philippines is removed from the Watch List in the 2014 Special 301
Report. This decision was based on the collective weight of a series of significant
legislative reforms, a move toward more effective civil and administrative enforcement
efforts, IP authorities’ sustained and constructive engagement with the U.S. Government
and members of the private sector, and commitments to continue to address remaining
concerns. 12
The United States will continue to work with its trading partners to further enhance IPR
protection and enforcement during the coming year.
Best IPR Practices by Trading Partners
USTR highlights the following best practices by trading partners in the area of IPR protection
and enforcement.
USTR continues to encourage trading partners to work with the United States to develop
action plans to advance the protection and enforcement of IPR. USTR welcomes the
offer of the Government of Bulgaria to develop an action plan, and is working with a
number of other trading partners, including the Government of Pakistan, to develop
action plans to address the issues discussed in the Special 301 Report. USTR looks
forward to continuing to work with these trading partners to finalize and implement these
action plans as well as to work with other trading partners on implementing existing
action plans.
USTR supports transparency and meaningful stakeholder participation in the
development of laws, regulations, procedures, and other measures as well as meaningful
engagement between governments and stakeholders. Stakeholders report that such
transparency and participation allows governments to avoid unintended consequences
and makes it easier for stakeholders to comply with legislative or regulatory changes
once adopted and implemented.
Cooperation among different government agencies is another example of a best practice.
Several countries, including the United States, have introduced IPR enforcement
coordination mechanisms or agreements to enhance interagency cooperation. In
Paraguay, DINAPI, operational since October 2013, has signed several inter-institutional
agreements to enhance cooperation on IPR, including with Paraguayan enforcement
agencies that have jurisdiction over customs and other IP-related violations. In Algeria,
the National Office of Intellectual Property Rights (ONDA) signed cooperation
agreements with Algerian customs and other Algerian law enforcement entities on
training and operational coordination to strengthen efforts to interdict illicit goods. The
Philippines’ National IPR Committee, led by that country’s Intellectual Property Office,
provides another example of enhanced interagency cooperation. The United States
encourages other trading partners to consider adopting similar cooperative IPR
Several trading partners have participated or supported participation in innovative
mechanisms that enable government and private sector rights holders to voluntarily
donate or license IPR on mutually agreed terms and conditions. In these arrangements,
parties use existing IPR to advance innovation and public policy goals. The United 13
States was the first government in the world to share its patents with the Medicines Patent
Pool, an independent foundation hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO). The
United States hopes that additional public and private patent holders will explore
voluntary licenses with the Medicines Patent Pool as one of many innovative ways to
help improve the availability of medicines in developing countries. The patents that the
United States shared were related to protease inhibitor medicines, primarily used to treat
drug-resistant HIV infections. In addition, the United States, Brazil, and South Africa are
providers in the WIPO Re:Search Consortium, a voluntary mechanism for making IPR
and know how available on mutually agreed terms and conditions to the global health
research community to find cures or treatments for neglected tropical diseases, and for
malaria and tuberculosis. Other countries have joined as supporters.
Finally, another best practice is the active participation of government officials in
capacity building efforts and in training. As further explained in Annex 2, the United
States encourages foreign governments to make training opportunities available to their
officials, and it actively engages with its trading partners in capacity building efforts both
in the United States and abroad.
Initiatives to Strengthen IPR Protection and Enforcement Internationally
The United States works to promote adequate and effective protection and enforcement of IPR
through the following mechanisms.
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a key initiative
through which the United States seeks to advance multifaceted U.S. trade and investment
interests in the Asia-Pacific region by negotiating an ambitious, 21st-century regional
trade agreement along with Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Malaysia,
Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam, in addition to Japan, which joined
negotiations in 2013. The TPP negotiations are being undertaken with this group of like-
minded countries with the goal of creating a platform for integration across the region,
including strong standards for the protection and enforcement of IPR and for addressing
emerging issues in the 21st century.
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP): On March 20, 2013, the
USTR notified the U.S. Congress of the President’s intent to enter into negotiations for a
comprehensive trade and investment agreement with the EU. Since that notification, the
United States and the EU have held four rounds of negotiations, most recently during the
week of March 10, 2014. With respect to IPR, the United States and the EU provide
among the highest levels of IPR protection and the most robust IPR enforcement in the
world. In T-TIP, the United States is pursuing a targeted approach on IPR that will
reflect the shared U.S.-EU objective of high-level IPR protection and enforcement, and
sustained and enhanced joint leadership on IPR issues. The United States will seek new 14
opportunities to advance and defend the interests of U.S. creators, innovators, businesses,
farmers, and workers with respect to strong protection and effective enforcement of IPR,
including their ability to compete in foreign markets.
World Trade Organization (WTO): The multilateral structure of the WTO provides
opportunities for USTR to lead engagement with trading partners on IPR issues in several
contexts, including through accession negotiations for prospective Members, the Council
for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Council), and the
Dispute Settlement Body. In the past year, the United States sponsored discussions in the
TRIPS Council on the positive role of IPR protection and enforcement in contributing to
national innovation environments, including with respect to low-cost innovation and
social entrepreneurship, and university research and technology transfer partnerships.
These discussions, which involved contributions from a broad array of WTO Members,
including developed, developing, and least-developed countries, addressed national IP
strategies to promote innovation, focusing in particular on the role IP plays in driving
critical financing, commercialization, and partnerships to bring ideas to market. The
United States has also actively engaged in TRIPS Council discussions on the positive role
of IP in promoting climate technology innovation and transfer. These discussions
highlighted the global nature of climate technology innovation and the beneficial
contributions of IPR protection and enforcement on technology innovation and transfer.
Additionally, the United States co-sponsored discussions on IP and sports, with broad
engagement from numerous and diverse WTO Members, focusing on the critical
relationship between sports (including major sporting events such as the Olympics,
World Cup, and national leagues) and IP (including copyright for broadcasting content,
patents and trade secrets for cutting-edge sports equipment, and trademarks for branding
and sponsorship).
Bilateral and Regional Initiatives: The United States works with many trading partners
to strengthen IPR protection and enforcement through the provisions of bilateral and
regional agreements, including trade agreements). In addition, Trade and Investment
Framework Agreements (TIFAs) between the United States and numerous trading
partners around the world have facilitated discussions on enhancing IPR protection and
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA): On October 5, 2012, Japan became
the first signatory to ACTA to deposit its instrument of acceptance. The United States
continues to work with Japan and other negotiating parties to bring the ACTA into force.
The ACTA effort, launched in October 2007, brought together a number of like-minded
countries prepared to embrace strengthened IPR enforcement and cooperative
enforcement practices. ACTA signatories are Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea,
Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United States. The European Union 15
and 22 EU Member States signed the Agreement in January 2012, but it was not
approved by the European Parliament. For signatories, the next step towards bringing the
ACTA into force is to deposit instruments of ratification, acceptance, or approval. The
ACTA will enter into force for those signatories 30 days following the deposit of the
sixth such instrument. The ACTA includes innovative provisions to deepen international
cooperation and to promote strong enforcement practices, and will ultimately help sustain
American jobs in innovative and creative industries.
Trade Preference Program Reviews: USTR, in coordination with other agencies,
reviews IPR practices in connection with the implementation of trade preference
programs, such as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program, and regional
programs, including the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act and the Caribbean
Basin Trade Partnership Act.
Enhanced International Cooperation: USTR, in coordination with other U.S.
Government agencies, looks forward to continuing engagement with trading partners in
bilateral, regional, and multilateral fora to improve the global IPR environment. In
addition to the work described above, the United States anticipates engaging with its
trading partners on IPR-related initiatives in multilateral and regional fora such as the
U.S.-EU Summit, G-8, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO), and Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD). 16
Trade Secrets and Forced Technology Transfer
International and foreign market issues
The Special 301 Report again reflects an emphasis on the need to protect and enforce trade
secrets. Companies in a wide variety of industry sectors – including information and
communication technologies, services, biopharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and environmental
technologies – rely on the ability to protect and enforce their trade secrets and rights in other
proprietary information. Indeed, trade secrets are often among a company’s core business assets,
and a company’s competitiveness may depend on its capacity to protect such assets.
Trade secret theft, including industrial and economic espionage, which imposes significant costs
on U.S. companies and threatens the security of the United States, appears to be escalating. If a
company’s trade secrets are stolen, it may be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to recoup past
investments in research and development, and future innovation may be compromised.
Moreover, trade secret theft threatens to diminish U.S. competitiveness around the globe, and
puts American jobs at risk. The reach of trade secret theft into critical commercial and defense
technologies poses threats to U.S. national security interests as well.
For these reasons, the United States is concerned by gaps in trade secret protection and
enforcement, and the apparent growth of trade secret theft, particularly in China, as reported by
various sources, including the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (ONCIX).
The ONCIX publication titled Foreign Spies Stealing U.S. Economic Secrets in Cyberspace,
states that “Chinese actors are the world’s most active and persistent perpetrators of economic
espionage.” Theft may arise in a variety of circumstances, including those involving departing
employees, failed joint ventures, cyber intrusion and hacking, and misuse of information
submitted to government entities for purposes of complying with regulatory obligations. In
practice, effective remedies, including under Chinese law, appear to be difficult to obtain.
The United States urges its trading partners to ensure that they have robust systems for protecting
and enforcing trade secrets, including the availability of deterrent criminal penalties for trade
secret theft. USTR will monitor developments in this area.
U.S. Government strategy
On February 20, 2013, the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC) issued the
Administration Strategy on Mitigating the Theft of U.S. Trade Secrets. The Strategy highlights
U.S. efforts to combat the theft of trade secrets that could be used by foreign governments or
companies to gain an unfair economic advantage by harming U.S. innovation and creativity,
Focusing diplomatic efforts to protect trade secrets overseas, which include sustained and
coordinated engagement with trading partners, the use of trade policy tools (including
through the use of the Special 301 Report), cooperation, and training, among others;
Promoting voluntary best practices by private industry to protect trade secrets, including
information security, physical security, and human resources policies; 17
Enhancing domestic law enforcement operations, especially through the activities of the
Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Department of Defense, and the
National IPR Coordination Center;
Improving domestic legislation to protect against trade secret theft, as exemplified by the
Theft of Trade Secrets Clarification Act of 2012, which clarified provisions in the
Economic Espionage Act with respect to the theft of trade secret source codes, and the
Foreign and Economic Espionage Penalty Enhancement Act of 2012, which increased
criminal penalties for economic espionage; and
Conducting public awareness campaigns and stakeholder outreach to encourage all
stakeholders to be aware of the dangers of trade secret theft.
Trade secret theft can be viewed as a form of forced technology transfer that foreign actors may
use to undermine U.S. competitive advantage. Foreign governments may also adopt trade-
distortive policies, which are sometimes designed to promote “indigenous innovation” by forcing
U.S. companies to transfer their technology or other valuable commercial information.
Examples of these policies, include, but are not limited to:
Requiring the transfer of technology as a condition for obtaining regulatory approvals or
otherwise securing access to a market, or for allowing a company to continue to do
business in the market;
Directing state-owned enterprises in innovative sectors to seek non-commercial terms
from their foreign business partners, including with respect to the acquisition and use or
licensing of IPR;
Failing to effectively enforce IPR, including patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and
copyrights, thereby allowing national firms to gain a competitive advantage over their
foreign competitors through misappropriation or infringement of the competitor’s IPR;
Failing to take meaningful measures to prevent or deter cyber intrusions and other
unauthorized activities;
Requiring use of, or providing preferences to, products or services in which IPR is either
developed or owned locally, including with respect to government procurement;
Manipulating the standards development process to create unfair advantages for national
firms, including with respect to the terms on which IPR is licensed; and
Requiring the submission of excessive (and often unnecessary) confidential business
information for regulatory approval purposes, and failing to appropriately protect such
information from unfair commercial use by, and disclosure to, third parties. 18
The United States urges that, in formulating policies to promote innovation, trading partners,
including India and China, take account of the increasingly cross-border nature of commercial
research and development, and of the importance of voluntary and mutually agreed commercial
Intellectual Property and the Environment
Strong IPR protection is vital for development, and is critical to responding to environmental
challenges, including climate change. IPR protection is essential to facilitate access to today’s
technologies, and to promote tomorrow’s innovation. IPR provides incentives to invest in green
technologies, and can promote economic growth and create jobs in the green technology sector.
Without such incentives, businesses are reluctant to invest or enter into technology transfer
arrangements in countries that lack effective IPR protection and enforcement. IPR is also an
important driver of university research in the green technology sector. In the absence of such
technologies, society may be deprived of critical advances to meet environmental challenges,
including the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change.
Certain national policies and practices advanced domestically and in multilateral fora may have
the unintended effect of undermining national and global efforts to address serious
environmental challenges. For example, India’s National Manufacturing Policy promotes the
compulsory licensing of patented technologies as a means of effectuating technology transfer
with respect to green technologies. India has pressed to multilateralize this approach to green
technologies through its proposals in the negotiations under the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). These actions will discourage rather than promote
the investment in, and dissemination of, green technologies, including those technologies that
contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
The United States continues to work to ensure robust IP protection and enforcement, which gives
inventors and creators the confidence to: engage in foreign direct investment, joint ventures,
local partnerships, and licensing arrangements; collaborate with foreign counterparts; to open
research facilities in markets abroad; establish local operations and work with local
manufacturers and suppliers; create jobs, including local worker training; and invest in
infrastructure for the production, adoption, and delivery of green technology goods and services,
without fear of misappropriation of their IPR. Strong IPR protection is, therefore, not only
critical to the objective of addressing environmental challenges and developing a global response
to climate change, but to national economic growth. The United States promotes strong IPR
protection and enforcement as an environmental as well as an economic imperative, providing
critical developmental benefits for developing and least-developed countries in particular.
Trends in Trademark Counterfeiting and Copyright Piracy
The problems of trademark counterfeiting and copyright piracy continue on a global scale and
involve mass production and sales of a vast array of fake goods, including counterfeit
semiconductors, medicines, health care products, food and beverages, automobile parts, such as
air bags, aircraft parts, apparel and footwear, toothpaste, toys, shampoos, razors, electronics,
batteries, chemicals, sporting goods, motion pictures, and music. 19
Consumers, legitimate producers, and governments are harmed by rampant trademark
counterfeiting and copyright piracy. Consumers may be harmed by fraudulent and potentially
dangerous counterfeit products, including medicines, auto and airplane parts, and
semiconductors. Producers face the risk of diminished profits and loss of reputation when
consumers purchase fake products, and governments may lose tax revenue and find it more
difficult to attract investment. Infringers generally pay no taxes or duties, and often disregard
basic standards for worker health and safety and product quality and performance.
An example illustrating the extent of the economic harm arising from such trademark
counterfeiting and copyright piracy comes from India. In September 2013, the International
Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
published a study analyzing seven key industry sectors vulnerable to counterfeiting, piracy, and
smuggling, e.g., automotive parts, alcohol, computer hardware, mobile phones, packaged foods,
personal goods, and tobacco products. The study concluded that rights holders in 2012 suffered
lost sales in India amounting to 21.7 percent or approximately $11.9 billion due to these
problems. Collectively, the Indian government’s economic loss tied to these illicit activities
totaled approximately $4.26 billion, according to the study.
Industry reports trends in counterfeiting and piracy that include:
Sustained growth in the piracy of copyrighted products in virtually all formats as well as
counterfeiting of trademarked goods. The involvement of criminal enterprises continues
to rise, often because piracy and counterfeiting offer enormous profits and little risk.
Such enterprises require little up-front capital investment, and even when they are
detected and prosecuted, the penalties imposed on them in many countries are very low
and therefore offer little or no deterrence against further infringements. Instead, the
penalties are viewed merely as a cost of doing business;
Continued growth in the online sale of pirated and counterfeit hard goods that will soon
surpass the volume of such goods sold by street vendors and in other physical markets.
Enforcement authorities, unfortunately, face difficulties in responding to this trend.
Online advertisements for the sale of illicit physical goods that are delivered through
express mail shipments or by small consignments are found in many places;
A continued increase in the use of legitimate services to deliver infringing goods, making
it more difficult for enforcement officials to detect these goods;
An increase in the practice of shipping counterfeit products separately from labels and
packaging in order to evade enforcement efforts; and
The emergence of Media Box piracy, whereby those boxes, often with capability to play
high definition content, are loaded with large quantities of pirated works or are
configured to facilitate the user’s access to websites featuring unlicensed content. This 20
problem has been reported in China (including Hong Kong), Indonesia, Malaysia,
Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The United States continues to urge trading partners to undertake more effective criminal and
border enforcement to stop the manufacture, import, export, transit, and distribution of pirated
and counterfeit goods. USTR engages extensively with its trading partners through bilateral
consultations, trade agreements, and international organizations, to ensure that penalties are
deterrent, and include significant monetary fines and meaningful sentences of imprisonment.
Additionally, important elements of a deterrent enforcement system include requirements that
pirated and counterfeit goods, as well as the materials and implements used for their production,
be seized and destroyed, rather than being re-exported or otherwise allowed to reenter the
channels of commerce. Such re-export or entrance into the channels of commerce creates IPR
enforcement problems and potential health and safety risks for other trading partners or for the
original country of importation. Providing enforcement officials with the authority to seize
suspect counterfeit trademark or pirated copyright goods during their import or export, or in
transit movement, without the need for a formal complaint from a rights holder is also critical to
effective enforcement. The U.S. Government supports trading partners through technical
assistance and sharing of best practices on enforcement, including destruction of seized goods.
(See Annex 2).
The manufacture and distribution of pharmaceutical products bearing counterfeit trademarks is a
growing problem that has important consequences for consumer health and safety. Such
trademark counterfeiting is one dimension of the larger problem of substandard medicines. The
United States notes its particular concern with the proliferation of counterfeit pharmaceuticals
manufactured, sold and distributed in trading partners such as Brazil, China, Indonesia, Lebanon,
Peru, Russia, and especially in India, the largest source of counterfeit pharmaceuticals shipped to
the United States. Reports indicate that anywhere from 10-40 percent of drugs sold in Indian
markets are counterfeit and could represent a serious threat to patient health and safety. The U.S.
Government, through the United States Agency for International Development, and other
agencies, supports programs in Sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere that assist trading partners in
protecting the public against counterfeit medicines introduced into their markets.
In many cases, the bulk active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) that are used to manufacture
pharmaceuticals that bear counterfeit trademarks are not made according to good manufacturing
practices. Hence, these products may contain sub-standard and potentially hazardous materials.
For instance, in China, some domestic chemical manufacturers that produce API have avoided
regulatory oversight by failing to declare that bulk chemicals are intended for use in
pharmaceutical products. This contributes to China being a major source country for APIs used
in counterfeit pharmaceutical products. Although China has taken some welcome steps, such as
requiring manufacturers to register with the State Food and Drug Administration, more effective
regulatory controls are needed.
Digital, Internet, and Broadcast Piracy
The increased availability of broadband Internet connections around the world is generating
many benefits, from increased economic activity and new business models to greater access to
and exchange of information. However, this phenomenon has also made the Internet an 21
extremely efficient vehicle for disseminating copyright-infringing products, supplanting
legitimate opportunities for rights holders. The U.S. Government’s 2013 Notorious Markets List
includes examples of online marketplaces reportedly engaging in commercial-scale IPR
infringement, including sites hosted in or operated by parties located in Canada, China, the
Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, and elsewhere.
Piracy over the Internet is a significant concern in many U.S. trading partners. Unauthorized
retransmission of live sports telecasts over the Internet continues to be a growing problem for
many trading partners, particularly China, and websites that link to infringing content are
exacerbating the problem.
U.S. copyright industries also report growing problems with piracy using mobile telephones,
tablets, flash drives, and other mobile technologies. In some countries, these devices are pre-
loaded with illegal content even before they are sold.
In addition to piracy of music and films, U.S. industry reports the emergence of pirate servers, or
“grey shards.” Players of cloud-based entertainment software access these unauthorized servers
to play copyrighted games that are made available through hacked software or circumvention of
technological protection measures, which are used by rights holders to control unauthorized
access to, and prevent unauthorized copying of, protected content.
The problem of online piracy is exacerbated due to the development and sale of devices that
allow for the circumvention of technological protection measures (TPM). Such devices include
“game copiers” and mod chips that make it possible to play pirated games on gaming systems.
Software that enables TPM circumvention is also distributed online. For example, SlySoft, a
company headquartered and operating in Antigua, developed and sells a program called “Any
DVD HD” that enables the user to defeat the encryption technology embedded in Blu-ray Discs
that prevents unauthorized reproduction and distribution. Antigua’s Copyright Act makes it
illegal to manufacture or import for sale or rental any such circumvention device. The
consortium of electronic manufacturers, software companies, and motion picture studios that
developed these technological protection measures has worked with the criminal enforcement
authorities in Antigua for over seven years to enforce this statute and have this case prosecuted.
In April 2014, the owner and operator of Slysoft was found guilty of providing tools to
circumvent encryption and was fined $30,000. It is unclear whether the Government of Antigua
and Barbuda will permit the site to continue operating now that its courts have determined the
conduct to be unlawful. The United States will continue to monitor the situation.
The United States continues to have serious concerns regarding Switzerland’s system of online
copyright protection and enforcement. The United States strongly encourages Switzerland to
demonstrate its commitment to copyright protection and to combating online piracy by taking
steps to ensure that rights holders can protect their rights. The United States welcomes many
aspects of the December 2013 report of the AGUR 12 working group on copyright and urges the
Swiss government to move forward expeditiously with measures to appropriately and effectively
address copyright piracy in Switzerland. The United States looks forward to working with Swiss
authorities in their heightened engagement with respect to this priority issue. 22
The United States also encourages trading partners to adopt appropriate measures where needed
to address the unauthorized camcording of motion pictures in theaters. The effects of this
conduct are not always limited to the market in which this unauthorized recording occurs. For
example, as discussed in more detail below, according to the Motion Pictures Distributors
Association of India, India has one of the highest rates of piracy of audiovisual works in the
world, and in 2012, the motion picture industry experienced losses estimated at $1.1 billion, an
increase of 15.79 percent from 2008.
Copies of copyright-protected material, including audiovisual works that have been camcorded,
are often distributed without authorization over the Internet. The United States encourages
trading partners to enhance enforcement efforts against this form of infringement by:
establishing deterrent penalties against camcording; strengthening enforcement against major
channels of piracy over the Internet, including with respect to notorious markets; and creating
specialized, trained enforcement units and undertaking special initiatives against Internet piracy.
Although copyright piracy over the Internet is rapidly supplanting physical piracy in many
markets around the world, the production of, and trade in, pirated optical discs remains a major
problems in many regions. In recent years, some trading partners, such as the Czech Republic,
Poland, Romania, and Russia, have made progress toward implementing controls on optical
media production. Other trading partners still need to adopt and implement legislation or
improve existing measures to combat illegal optical disc production and distribution, including
China, India, Paraguay, and Vietnam. The United States continues to urge those trading partners
who face challenges regarding illegal optical disc production to pass effective legislation to
counter this problem, and to enforce existing laws and regulations aggressively.
Finally, the United States encourages trading partners to implement the WIPO Internet Treaties
to provide, among other things, protection against the circumvention of technological protection
measures and protection for digital rights management information. (See Annex 3).
Caribbean copyright challenges
The United States also would like to highlight serious concerns regarding copyright protection
and enforcement in the Caribbean region: music licensing and cable and satellite broadcasting.
With respect to music licensing, cable operators and television and radio broadcasters in ten
countries in the region reportedly refuse to negotiate with performing rights organizations
(PROs) for compensation for public performance of music. In some instances, the local
governments themselves appear to control these cable operators and broadcasters, such as the
Government of Barbados, which owns and operates MCTV, a local cable provider. At the same
time, the PROs assert that they have struggled to advance their legal claims in the local courts,
which are backlogged and subject to chronic delays. Even where lawsuits have been decided in
favor of the PROs, the PROs report that there are difficulties in obtaining final payment. Rights
holders in the music industry have repeatedly identified Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and
Tobago as the Caribbean region’s most problematic markets because of the relative size of their
markets. However, a similar pattern of unlicensed cable-casting and broadcasting of copyrighted
music reportedly exists in Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Lucia,
and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. 23
With regard to cable and satellite broadcasting of copyrighted television programming, Antigua
and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and
St. Vincent and the Grenadines currently maintain a statutory licensing regime that includes a
requirement to pay royalties to rights holders. Rights holders assert, however, that they have not
received royalty payments from any company in any country in the region, with the notable
exception of payments made in 2013 by the Government of the Bahamas. Others in the region –
including Anguilla, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, Montserrat, Saint Maarten, and the Turks
and Caicos Islands – do not maintain statutory licensing regimes, and reportedly fail to intercede
when unauthorized companies intercept and retransmit copyrighted content without
remuneration. Again, it is important to note that some of these cable companies are currently or
formerly government-owned and operated.
The United States urges these governments to address these issues, and looks forward to
engaging on these challenges with the Caribbean Community and Common Market
(CARICOM), the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), and their member
U.S. concerns with respect to music licensing and unauthorized and uncompensated
retransmission of copyright-protected content are not limited to Caribbean markets. We will also
engage with other trading partners whose markets present similar challenges.
Government Use of Software
Under Executive Order 13103 issued in September 1998, U.S. Government agencies maintain
policies and procedures to ensure that they use only authorized business software. Pursuant to
the same directive, USTR has undertaken an initiative to work with other governments,
particularly in countries that are modernizing their software systems or where concerns have
been raised, to stop unauthorized government use of software. Considerable progress has been
made under this initiative, leading to numerous trading partners’ mandating that only authorized,
legitimate software may be used by their government bodies. Further work on this issue remains
with certain trading partners, such as China, Costa Rica, India, Morocco, Pakistan, Paraguay,
Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Ukraine, and Vietnam. The United States urges trading partners to
adopt and implement effective and transparent procedures to ensure legitimate governmental use
of software.
Trademark Issues and Domain Name Disputes
Trademarks help consumers distinguish a company’s products and services from competing
products and services, and thereby serve a critical source identification role. The goodwill
represented in a company’s trademarks is often one of the company’s most valuable business
assets. However, in numerous countries legal and procedural obstacles exist to securing and
enforcing trademark rights. Additionally, many countries lack transparency and consistency in
administrative registration procedures. In other countries, governments often do not provide the
full range of internationally-recognized trademark protections. For example, dozens of countries
do not offer a certification mark system for use by foreign or domestic industries. The lack of a
certification mark system can make it more difficult to secure protection for products with a
quality or characteristic that consumers associate with the product’s geographic origin. 24
Another area of concern for trademark holders is the protection of their trademarks against
unauthorized uses under top level domain extensions. U.S. rights holders face significant
trademark infringement and loss of valuable Internet traffic because of such uses. A related and
growing concern is that certain country code top level domain names (ccTLD) lack transparent
and predictable uniform domain name dispute resolution policies (UDRPs). Effective UDRPs
should assist in the quick and efficient resolution of these disputes. The United States
encourages its trading partners to provide procedures that allow for the protection of trademarks
used in domain names, and to ensure that dispute resolution procedures are available to prevent
the misuse of trademarks.
Geographical Indications
The United States is working intensively through bilateral and multilateral channels to advance
U.S. market access interests and to ensure that the trade initiatives of other countries, including
with respect to geographical indications (GIs), do not undercut U.S. industries’ market access.
GIs typically consist of place names (or words associated with a place) and they identify
products or services as having a particular quality, reputation, or other characteristic attributable
to their geographic origin.
The U.S. Government is actively involved in promoting and protecting access to foreign markets
for U.S. exporters whose products are identified by common names or generic terms, like
parmesan and mozzarella for cheese. The United States is pressing its objectives in a variety of
contexts, including in the WTO, WIPO and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) as well
as in our bilateral agreements. The United States is also engaging bilaterally to address GI-
related concerns, including with Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, the
European Union and its Member States, and the Philippines, among others. U.S. goals in this
regard include:
Ensuring that grants of GI protection do not violate prior rights (for example, in cases in
which a U.S. company has a trademark that includes a place name);
Ensuring that grants of GI protection do not deprive interested parties of the ability to use
generic or common terms, such as parmesan or mozzarella;
Ensuring that interested persons have notice of, and opportunity to oppose, or to seek
cancellation of, any GI protection that is sought or granted; and
Opposing efforts to amend the TRIPS Agreement to extend to other products the special
protection that is provided to GIs for wines and spirits.
Intellectual Property and Health Policy
Numerous comments in the 2014 Special 301 review highlighted concerns arising at the
intersection of IPR policy and health policy.
Intellectual property plays an important role in providing the incentives necessary for the 25
development and marketing of new medicines. An effective, transparent, and predictable IP
system is necessary for both manufacturers of innovative medicines and manufacturers of
generic medicines.
The 2001 WTO Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health recognized the
gravity of the public health problems afflicting many developing and least-developed countries,
especially those resulting from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and other epidemics. As
affirmed in the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, the United States
respects a trading partner’s right to protect public health and, in particular, to promote access to
medicines for all. The United States also recognizes the role of IP protection in the development
of new medicines, while being mindful of the effect of IP protection on prices. The assessments
set forth in this Report are based on various critical factors, including, where relevant, the Doha
Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health.
The United States is firmly of the view that international obligations such as those in the TRIPS
Agreement have sufficient flexibility to allow trading partners to address the serious public
health problems that they may face. Consistent with this view, the United States respects its
trading partners’ rights to grant compulsory licenses in a manner consistent with the provisions
of the TRIPS Agreement and the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health,
and encourages its trading partners to consider ways to address their public health challenges
while maintaining IPR systems that promote innovation.
The United States also strongly supports the WTO General Council Decision on the
Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public
Health concluded in August 2003. Under this decision, Members are permitted, in accordance
with specified procedures, to issue compulsory licenses to export pharmaceutical products to
countries that cannot produce drugs for themselves. The WTO General Council adopted a
Decision in December 2005 that incorporated this solution into an amendment to the TRIPS
Agreement, and the United States became the first WTO Member to formally accept this
amendment. The United States hopes that at least two-thirds of the WTO membership accept
this amendment by the current deadline, December 31, 2015, at which point the amendment will
go into effect for those Members. The August 2003 waiver will remain in place and available
until the amendment takes effect.
The United States will work to ensure that the provisions of its bilateral and regional trade
agreements, as well as U.S. engagement in international organizations, including the United
Nations and related institutions such as WIPO and the WHO, are consistent with U.S.
Government policies concerning IPR and health policy and do not impede its trading partners
from taking measures necessary to protect public health. Accordingly, USTR will continue its
close cooperation with relevant agencies to ensure that public health challenges are addressed
and IPR protection and enforcement are supported as one of various mechanisms to promote
research and innovation.
Supporting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovation through Improved Market
Among other mechanisms to support pharmaceutical and medical device innovation, USTR has
sought to reduce market access barriers, including those that discriminate against U.S. companies 26
or are not adequately transparent, in order to facilitate both affordable health care today and the
innovation that assures improved health care tomorrow. This year’s Special 301 Report
highlights concerns regarding market access barriers affecting pharmaceutical and medical
device products, particularly in Algeria, Indonesia, and India.
Measures, including those that are discriminatory, nontransparent or otherwise trade-restrictive,
have the potential to hinder market access in the pharmaceutical and medical device sector, and
potentially result in higher healthcare costs. For example, taxes or tariffs may be levied – often
in a non-transparent manner – on imported medicines and the increased expense associated with
those levies is then passed directly to healthcare institutions and patients. The United States
notes that, according to an October 2012 WTO report titled More Trade for Better Health?
International Trade and Tariffs on Health Products, India maintains the highest tariffs on
medicines, inputs to medicines, and medical devices among the WTO members identified in the
report. These tariffs, combined with other internal charges or measures, such as price controls
that appear to exempt domestically developed and manufactured medicines, can hinder the
Indian government’s efforts to promote increased access to healthcare products.
Moreover, unreasonable regulatory approval delays and non-transparent reimbursement policies
can impede a company’s ability to exercise its IP rights, and thereby discourage the development
and marketing of new drugs and other medical products. The criteria, rationale, and operation of
such measures are often nontransparent or not fully disclosed to patients or to pharmaceutical
and medical device companies seeking to market their products. USTR encourages trading
partners to provide appropriate mechanisms for transparency, procedural and due process
protections, and opportunities for public engagement in the context of their relevant health care
U.S. industry has expressed concerns regarding the policies of several trading partners, including
Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Korea, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Spain, Turkey, and Taiwan, on issues related to innovation in the pharmaceutical sector and
other aspects of health care goods and services. Examples include:
With respect to New Zealand, U.S. industry has expressed serious concerns about the
policies and operation of New Zealand’s Pharmaceutical Management Agency
(PhARMAC), including, among other things, the lack of transparency, fairness, and
predictability of the PhARMAC pricing and reimbursement regime, as well as the
negative aspects of the overall climate for innovative medicines in New Zealand; and
With respect to Turkey, U.S. industry continues to express significant concern
regarding the lack of fairness and the slow pace of pharmaceutical manufacturing
The United States is seeking to establish or continue dialogues with relevant trading partners to
address these and other concerns, and encourage a common understanding on questions related
to innovation in the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors. The United States also looks
forward to continuing its engagement with China, India, and other trading partners to promote
fair and transparent policies in this sector.
The United States, like many countries, faces healthcare challenges, including with respect to
aging populations and rising health care costs. The United States shares the objective of
continued improvement in the health and quality of life of its citizens, and the objective of
delivering efficient, responsive, and cost-effective high-quality health care to its population. The
United States looks forward to engaging with its trading partners on the concerns noted above.
Implementation of the WTO TRIPS Agreement
The TRIPS Agreement, one of the most significant achievements of the Uruguay Round (1986-
1995), requires all WTO Members to provide certain minimum standards of IPR protection and
enforcement. The TRIPS Agreement is the first broadly-subscribed multilateral IPR agreement
that is subject to mandatory dispute settlement provisions.
Developed country Members were required to implement the TRIPS Agreement fully as of
January 1, 1996. Developing country Members were given a transition period for many
obligations until January 1, 2000, and in some cases, until January 1, 2005. Nevertheless, certain
Members are still in the process of finalizing implementing legislation, and many are still
engaged in establishing adequate and effective IPR enforcement mechanisms.
Recognizing the particular challenges faced by least-developed country (LDC) Members, the
United States has worked closely with them and other WTO Members to extend the
implementation date for these countries. On June 11, 2013, the TRIPS Council reached
consensus on a decision to again extend the transition period under Article 66.1 of the TRIPS
Agreement for LDC Members. Under this decision, LDC Members are not required to apply the
provisions of the TRIPS Agreement, other than Articles 3, 4 and 5, until July 1, 2021, or until
such a date on which they cease to be a LDC Member, whichever date is earlier. Additionally,
the LDC Members have until 2016 to implement their TRIPS Agreement obligations for patent
and data protection for pharmaceutical products, as proposed by the United States at the Doha
Ministerial Conference of the WTO.
The United States participates actively in the WTO TRIPS Council’s scheduled reviews of WTO
Members’ implementation of the TRIPS Agreement and also uses the WTO’s Trade Policy
Review mechanism to pose questions and seek constructive engagement on issues related to
TRIPS Agreement implementation.
WTO Dispute Settlement
The United States continues to monitor the resolution of disputes announced in previous Special
301 reviews. The most efficient and preferred manner of resolving concerns is through bilateral
dialogue. Where these efforts are unsuccessful, the United States will not hesitate to use the
WTO dispute settlement procedures, as appropriate.
In April 2007, the United States initiated dispute settlement procedures relating to deficiencies in
China’s legal regime for protecting and enforcing copyrights and trademarks on a wide range of
products. In March 2009, the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) adopted a panel report that
upheld two of the claims advanced by the United States, finding that (1) China’s denial of
copyright protection to works that do not meet China’s content review standards is impermissible
under the TRIPS Agreement; and (2) China’s customs rules cannot allow seized counterfeit 28
goods to be publicly auctioned after only removing the infringing mark. With respect to a third
claim concerning China’s thresholds for criminal prosecution and conviction of counterfeiting
and piracy, while the United States prevailed on the interpretation of the important legal
standards in Article 61 of the TRIPS Agreement, including the finding that criminal enforcement
measures must reflect and respond to the realities of the commercial marketplace, the panel
found that it needed additional evidence before it could uphold the overall U.S. claim that
China’s criminal thresholds are too high. On March 19, 2010, China announced that it had
completed all the necessary domestic legislative procedures to implement the DSB
recommendations and rulings. The United States continues to monitor China’s implementation
of the DSB recommendations and rulings in this dispute.
In addition, the United States requested WTO dispute settlement consultations with China
concerning certain other Chinese measures affecting market access and distribution for imported
publications, movies, and music, and audio-visual home entertainment products (e.g., DVDs,
Blu-ray discs, etc.) (AVHE products). The U.S. claims challenged China’s prohibition on
foreign companies’ importation of all products at issue; China’s prohibitions and discriminatory
requirements imposed on foreign distributors of publications, music, and AVHE products within
China; and China’s imposition of more burdensome requirements on the distribution of imported
publications, movies, and music vis-à-vis their domestic counterparts. On January 19, 2010, the
DSB adopted panel and Appellate Body reports that found in favor of the United States on the
vast majority of its claims. China committed to bring all relevant measures into compliance with
the DSB recommendations by March 19, 2011, and subsequently revised or revoked several
measures relating to publications, AVHE products, and music. China did not issue any measures
relating to theatrical films, but instead proposed bilateral discussions. The United States and
China reached agreement in February 2012 on the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding
that provides significantly increased market access for imported films and significantly improved
compensation for foreign film producers. The United States continues to review and monitor the
steps that China has taken toward compliance in this matter.
Following the 1999 Special 301 review, the United States initiated dispute settlement
consultations concerning the EU regulation on food-related GIs, which appeared to discriminate
against foreign products and persons, notably by requiring that EU trading partners adopt an
“EU-style” system of GI protection, and appeared to provide insufficient protections to
trademark owners. On April 20, 2005, the DSB adopted a panel report finding in favor of the
United States that the EU GI regulation is inconsistent with the EU’s obligations under the
TRIPS Agreement and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994. On March 31, 2006,
the EU published a revised GI Regulation that is intended to comply with the DSB
recommendations and rulings. There remain some concerns, however, with respect to this
revised GI Regulation, which the United States has asked the EU to address, and the United
States intends to continue monitoring this situation. The United States is also working
intensively through bilateral and multilateral fora to advance U.S. market access interests, and to
ensure that the trade initiatives of other countries, including with respect to GIs, do not undercut
our market access.
Interagency Trade Enforcement Center
In his State of the Union address on January 24, 2012, President Obama announced the creation
of the Interagency Trade Enforcement Center (ITEC) to take a whole-of-government approach to 29
monitoring and enforcing Americans’ trade rights around the world. Thereafter, on February 28,
2012, the President issued an Executive Order that established ITEC. As the federal
government’s primary coordinator of international and domestic trade enforcement, ITEC helps
to ensure that America’s trading partners abide by their obligations, including by maintaining
open markets on a non-discriminatory basis, and by following rules-based procedures in a
transparent way. ITEC leverages and mobilizes the federal government’s resources and
expertise to address unfair foreign trade practices and barriers. In particular, ITEC uses expertise
from across the federal government to assist in asserting U.S. trade rights implicated by various
international trade agreements and serves as the primary forum within the federal government for
agencies to coordinate enforcement of obligations under international trade agreements,
including the identification of unfair trade practices and barriers that involve IPR.
Determination in Section 301 Investigation of Ukraine
Ukraine was designated a Priority Foreign Country in the 2013 Special Report due to the
particular IPR acts, policies, and practices identified in the 2013 Special 301 Report. (See 2013
Special 301 Report; Identification of Ukraine as a Priority Foreign Country and Initiation of
Section 301 Investigation, 78 FR 33886 (June 5, 2013)). Those acts, policies, and practices
involved: (1) the administration of Ukraine’s system for collecting societies, which are
responsible for collecting and distributing copyright royalties to U.S. and other rights holders; (2)
use of infringing software by Ukrainian government agencies; and (3) online infringement of
copyright and related rights. On May 30, 2013, the United States Trade Representative initiated
a Section 301 investigation of the acts, policies, and practices identified in the Special 301
Based on the information obtained during the investigation, on February 28, 2014, the U.S.
Trade Representative determined that these acts, policies, and practices are unreasonable and
burden or restrict United States commerce, but, due to the current political situation in Ukraine,
no action would be taken at that time. (See Notice of Determination in Section 301 Investigation
of Ukraine, 79 FR 14326 (March 13, 2014)).
USTR remains committed to addressing the problems that served as the basis for the designation
of Ukraine as a PFC, and appreciates Ukraine’s recent outreach and ongoing engagement in
exploring how to ameliorate these problems and improve its overall IP regime. The United
States looks forward to working with Ukraine on these three issues.
China remains on the Priority Watch List and subject to Section 306 monitoring.
China’s leadership has acknowledged the critical role that intellectual property plays in spurring
innovation and the need to improve China’s protection and enforcement of IP rights, including at
the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Consistent
with China’s policy objectives, its judicial, legislative, administrative, and enforcement
authorities are in the midst of wide-ranging legal reform efforts relating to the protection and
enforcement of IPR in China. Certain rights holders report positive experiences, including in
some cases a greater ability to obtain redress against infringers in civil court actions. The United
States also notes increased cooperation between U.S. and Chinese law enforcement agencies in
an effort to stem cross-border flows of infringing products. The United States looks forward to
strengthened cooperation, building on the increasing and positive cooperation between U.S.
customs and investigative agencies and their Chinese counterparts, including the General
Administration of Customs and Ministry of Public Security.
At the same time, a wide range of U.S. stakeholders in China continues to report serious
obstacles to effective protection of IPR in all forms, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, 31
trade secrets as well as protection against unfair commercial use or unauthorized disclosure of
test and other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products. As a
result, sales of IPR-intensive goods and services in China remain disproportionately low when
compared to sales in similar, or even less developed, markets that provide a stronger
environment for IPR protection and market access. Despite laudable policy objectives and a
welcome ongoing reform effort, foreign rights holders in China continue to face a complex and
challenging IPR environment. Given the size of China’s consumer marketplace and its global
importance as a producer of a broad range of products, China’s protection and enforcement of
IPR will continue to be a focus of U.S. trade policy.
In particular, the theft of trade secrets remains a significant concern. Such thefts are occurring
not only inside but also outside China for the competitive advantage of Chinese state-owned and
private companies. Conditions are likely to deteriorate as long as those committing such thefts,
and those benefitting, continue to operate with relative impunity, often taking advantage of the
theft in order to enter into unfair competition or disadvantageous business relationships with
their victims. The United States strongly urges the Chinese government to take serious steps to
put an end to these activities and to deter further activity by rigorously investigating and
prosecuting trade secret thefts conducted by both cyber and conventional means.
Of longstanding concern are Chinese central, provincial, and local government measures and
actions that appear to require or pressure rights holders to transfer IPR from foreign to domestic
entities. Sometimes guided by government measures or policy statements intended to promote
indigenous innovation and the development of strategic industries, government authorities may
deny or delay market access or otherwise condition government procurement, permissions,
subsidies, tax treatment, and other actions on IPR being owned or developed in China, or
licensed to a Chinese entity. The U.S. Government is also concerned by the increased number of
stakeholders reporting that Chinese government entities are using regulatory pressure to compel
the licensing of important technologies or to dissuade stakeholders from pursuing available legal
avenues to enforce their IPR. China has made certain commitments to the United States on some
of these matters; the United States will continue pressing China to follow through on those
Legal Reform
The United States welcomes China’s ongoing legal reform efforts despite serious reservations
regarding certain measures. Since 2012, China has undertaken revisions to and invited comment
on draft revisions to its existing laws on patents, copyrights, trademarks, drug administration,
and scientific and technological achievements. Effective January 1, 2013, China’s amended
Civil Procedure Law includes provisions that may help U.S. rights holders to secure preliminary
measures and otherwise enforce their rights in civil court actions. Currently before China’s State
Council Legislative Affairs Office (SCLAO) are draft amendments to the Copyright Law and
Patent Law. In mid-2014, a revised Trademark Law and implementing regulations will go into
effect. Amendment of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law (AUCL), unrevised since first entering
into force in 1993, is proceeding at a slower pace. While applauding China’s consideration of
U.S. government and private sector perspectives and experiences as it amends its laws, the
United States notes the need to move forward expeditiously with remaining revisions to its IP-
related laws, and underscores the urgent need to update and amend the AUCL and related trade 32
secret laws, regulations, and judicial interpretations, including provisions regarding the
protection and enforcement of trade secrets.
China also invited comment on draft rules and guidelines on proposed regulations for the
remuneration of “service inventions” (i.e., inventions created by an employee as part of his or her
employment), rules for anti-monopoly enforcement in the field of intellectual property rights,
and patent examination guidelines for utility model and design patents. Several proposed
measures raise serious concerns, while others represent a marked improvement over prior drafts.
The United States applauds China’s openness to receiving comments and looks forward to
continuing engagement as future drafts are developed and evaluated, and as the drafts move
through the SCLAO and the National People’s Congress.
Additional legal reforms require action, including amending the Criminal Law and other relevant
measures to address continuing deficiencies in China’s criminal IPR enforcement.
National Leading Group
Following the completion of China’s 2010-11 Special IPR Campaign, the State Council
established a permanent office of the national leading group on combating IPR infringement
(Leading Group) to better coordinate and improve China’s efforts to combat IPR infringement
and the manufacture and sale of counterfeit and sub-standard goods. In 2013, the Leading Group
continued to coordinate enforcement actions and undertake special campaigns, including
concerning online markets and cross-border infringement cases. The United States encourages
China to continue to work with foreign governments and rights holders to share information and
demonstrate the constructive role the Leading Group can play to improve the protection and
enforcement of IPR.
Trade Secrets
As noted above, trade secret theft is a serious and growing problem in China. Thefts may arise in
a variety of circumstances, including those involving departing employees, failed joint ventures,
and cyber intrusion and hacking. In addition, thefts arising from the misuse of information
submitted to government entities for purposes of complying with regulatory obligations are
particularly troubling. The misappropriation of trade secrets and their use by a competing
enterprise can have a devastating impact on a company’s business, making recourse to adequate
and effective legal remedies particularly important.
Under Chinese law, however, available remedies are difficult to obtain, given that civil,
administrative, and criminal enforcement against trade secrets theft remains severely constrained.
Enforcement obstacles include various deficiencies in China’s AUCL; constraints on gathering
evidence for use in litigation; difficulties in meeting the criteria for establishing that information
constitutes a trade secret; and criminal penalties that do not provide adequate deterrents. Unlike
other Chinese IP laws, the AUCL does not expressly authorize judges to issue certain provisional
orders that are often critical to the successful pursuit of a civil enforcement action. While China’s
new Civil Procedure Law may address, or partially address, that problem, there has been
insufficient time to ascertain whether this new law is facilitating access to civil remedies in
practice. Additionally, the AUCL appears to apply primarily to “commercial undertakings” and
not to impose liability on individual actors; the AUCL also requires that a trade secret have
“practical applicability,” which may limit the scope of protection for early stage research. 33
There are other important weaknesses in China’s civil enforcement system that relate to
mechanisms for gathering evidence; procedures for obtaining preliminary injunctions; and the
relative weight afforded certain kinds of evidence, as reflected in the overreliance on original
documentary evidence over oral testimony. Without changes to address these weaknesses, some
of which are not specific to intellectual property but relate to China’s civil process generally,
effective enforcement against misappropriation of trade secrets in China will remain challenging.
The United States is encouraged by China’s December 2013 Joint Commission on Commerce
and Trade (JCCT) commitment to undertake an Action Program that will include concrete
actions to address enforcement, enhance public awareness, and require strict legal compliance
with respect to trade secrets. The United States will continue to engage with China as it develops
this Action Program, and as it advances legal and regulatory reforms to better protect trade
Copyright and Piracy
Software legalization
The United States will continue to urge that all levels of the Chinese government, as well as
state-owned enterprises (SOEs), use only legitimate, licensed copies of software. In May 2011,
China’s government reported that software legalization in central government offices was
complete. At the provincial level, China’s government reported that a similar effort was
completed as of June 30, 2012. In January, 2014, the Chinese government reported that all local
government agencies at the city and county level had completed software legalization by the end
of 2013. However, even with the significant work to legalize this number and range of
government agencies, U.S. software companies have seen only a modest increase in sales to
government agencies, and specific information about the procedures and tools used to ascertain
budget or audit information remains unavailable.
Software legalization efforts more recently have extended to China’s SOE sector. Losses by
software companies due to piracy at SOEs and other enterprises remain very high. To the degree
that Chinese firms do not pay for the software that runs many of their operations, they reap a cost
advantage relative to competitors who pay for legally acquired software. The United States
remains committed to working with China to continue to address these challenges.
Online piracy
Despite bilateral commitments to increase IPR enforcement, online piracy in China persists on a
large scale. As of 2013, China had the largest Internet user base in the world, estimated at over
600 million users, including nearly 500 million mobile web users. Despite national campaigns
and the leadership of the Leading Group, widespread piracy affects industries involved in the
distribution of legitimate music, motion pictures, books and journals, video games, and software.
For example, industry reports that in 2013 the revenues from digital music sales in China were
$65.4 million, compared to $108.3 million in South Korea, and $32.0 million in Thailand – a
country with less than five percent of China’s population and a roughly equivalent per capita
GDP. Similarly, over 90 percent of the revenue generated by U.S. films in China comes in the
form of box office revenues, compared to 25-30 percent in the United States. This difference is
partly due to widespread piracy of motion pictures over the Internet and on optical discs. Online
piracy extends to scientific, technical, and medical publications as well. 34
Parties in China are also facilitating online infringement, in China and third countries, through
media box piracy. Manufactured in China and exported abroad, media boxes can be preloaded
with infringing content and plugged directly into televisions. They enable the user to stream and
download infringing online audio and visual content. The vast majority of the infringing websites
to which media box users connect are reportedly located in China. The United States urges China
to continue efforts to improve IPR protection and enforcement in this area.
Counterfeit Goods
Despite increased enforcement efforts, problems with counterfeiting in China remain
widespread. A partial list of commonly counterfeited goods includes food and beverages;
apparel, footwear, and accessories; consumer electronics, computers and networking equipment;
entertainment and business software; batteries; chemicals; appliances; pharmaceuticals; and auto
parts. Impacts are not limited to lost sales volumes and damage to the reputation of the trademark
owner. For example, higher defect and failure rates among counterfeit semiconductors may cause
malfunctions in the equipment in which they are incorporated, which may include medical
devices, vehicle safety and braking systems, and other critical applications. As one measure of
the scale of the problem, products from China (including Hong Kong) accounted for 93 percent
of the value of the IPR infringing products seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection in
fiscal year 2013.
Although rights holders report increased enforcement activities, mostly but not exclusively on
behalf of local brands, enforcement efforts have yet to slow the sale of counterfeit products
online. This is particularly concerning in light of the rapid growth of e-commerce both within
China and between China and overseas markets. Rights holders report that local Administrations
for Industry and Commerce (AICs) typically confine their efforts to physical markets. While
both the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and local AICs have called on online
trading websites to improve procedures to address online sales of counterfeit merchandise, these
measures have not significantly deterred repeat and large-scale offenders who, after postings are
removed, quickly place new postings offering the same infringing goods. It is reported that the
Supreme People’s Court may issue a judicial interpretation to address these concerns.
IPR and Technology Transfer Requirements
The United States is concerned about Chinese measures, policies and practices at the national,
provincial, and local levels that allegedly are intended to hasten China’s development into an
innovative economy, but that may disadvantage foreign rights holders. Industry reports that
many of China’s innovation-related policies and other industrial policies, such as strategic
emerging industry policies, may have a negative impact on U.S. exports or U.S. investors and
their investments or IP rights. Such Chinese measures frequently call for technology transfer
and, in certain cases, appear to include criteria that could require IP rights to be developed in
China, or to be owned by or licensed to a Chinese party. Such government-imposed conditions
or incentives may distort licensing and other private business arrangements, resulting in
commercial outcomes that are not optimal for the firms involved or for promoting innovation.
Such government intervention in the commercial decisions that enterprises make regarding the
ownership, development, registration, or licensing of IP is not consistent with international
practice, and may raise concerns relative to China’s implementation of its WTO commitments. 35
Sustained U.S.-China engagement through the JCCT, the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic
Dialogue (S&ED), and high-level government engagement has resulted in important Chinese
commitments, including “that technology transfer and technological cooperation shall be decided
by businesses independently and will not be used by the Chinese government as a pre-condition
for market access,” and that China will “treat and protect intellectual property rights (IPR)
owned or developed in other countries the same as domestically owned or developed IPR.” In
addition, at the 2012 JCCT, China “reaffirmed that technology transfer and technology
cooperation are the autonomous decisions of enterprises” and pledged further that “[i]f
departmental or local documents contain language inconsistent with the above commitment,
China will correct them in a timely manner.” At the 2013 JCCT, China committed not to
implement rules or finalize a draft catalogue containing indigenous innovation criteria for the
procurement of vehicles for official use that are inconsistent with China’s 2012 JCCT
commitment. The United States looks forward to China’s full implementation of its
commitments, and the revision of other measures, including elements of the High and New
Technology Enterprise tax incentive, including requirements that beneficiaries license core IP
exclusively to a party in China and make 60 percent of their global research and development
expenditures in China.
Patent-Related and Other Policies
IPR and technological standards
The growing importance of IPR and technological standards in China heightens U.S. concerns
with a range of Chinese government policies and practices. Whereas open, voluntary, and
consensus-based standards best promote economic development, efficiency and innovation,
standards development bodies in China often employ opaque and exclusionary practices to the
detriment of U.S. and other foreign parties. China’s standards setting bodies reportedly often
deny membership or participation rights to foreign parties, effectively shutting them out of the
process. In some cases, such bodies may condition a firm’s ability to participate on it acting
through a joint venture in which it can only have a minority ownership stake, the licensing of a
firm’s IP on concessional terms, or a firm’s transfer of technology. Based on a limited number
of investigations conducted to date, there is also growing concern that Chinese competition
authorities may target for investigation foreign firms that hold IPR that may be essential to the
implementation of certain technological standards. Industry reports of intimidating and non-
transparent investigative conduct contribute to these concerns. In the related realm of national
standards, the Standardization Administration of China (SAC) and the State Intellectual Property
Organization (SIPO) published Regulatory Measures on National Standards Involving Patents
(Interim) that went into effect on January 1, 2014. The final version of the provisional measures
addressed a number of U.S. government and industry concerns with earlier drafts. However,
uncertainty remains as to how the measures apply to patent holders who are not participants in
the particular standards development process to which the measures apply. In particular, with
respect to patents relevant to a particular standard under development, such measures include a
provision that encourages non-participant holders of such patents to disclose the patents and
provisions regarding requests for licensing declarations from holders of such patents. The
United States is concerned by any suggestion that standards-related disclosure and licensing
obligations extend to patent holders electing not to participate in standards development. 36
IPR protection for pharmaceutical products
The United States has engaged intensively with China to address troubling obstacles to obtaining
and maintaining patents on pharmaceutical innovations. Although SIPO guidelines governing
the review of patent applications were once generally consistent with those of the United States
and leading patent offices in other countries, China’s revised interpretation severely restricted a
patent applicant’s ability to provide supplemental information in support of an application. As a
result, China has denied pharmaceutical patent applications and invalidated existing patents,
even with respect to applications and patents consistently awarded by U.S. and other patent
offices. This problem was the subject of great attention during Vice President Biden’s visit to
Beijing in November 2013 and the annual meeting of the JCCT the following month. These
engagements resulted in China’s revision of the policy on information supplementation, and a
commitment to work with the United States to follow up on implementation, including the
examination of individual cases.
In addition, the United States continues to have concerns about the extent to which China
provides effective protection against unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure
of undisclosed test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical
products. Under Chinese law and international commitments, China is required to ensure that no
subsequent applicant may rely on the undisclosed test or other data submitted in support of an
application for marketing approval of new pharmaceutical products for a period of at least six
years from the date of marketing approval in China. However, there are reports that generic
manufacturers have been granted marketing approvals by the China Food and Drug
Administration (CFDA) prior to the expiration of this period, and in some cases, even before the
originator’s product has been approved. The United States was encouraged by China’s 2012
JCCT commitment to define “new chemical entity,” a term that is central to the marketing
approval process, in a manner consistent with international practice. Given that more than a year
has passed since that time, the United States is urging China to implement its commitment
without delay.
On November 12, 2013, CFDA invited comment on draft amendments to the Drug Registration
Rules (DRR). The United States and industry expressed concern that the proposed deletion of
Article 19 from the DRR would weaken regulatory pharmaceutical patent enforcement. CFDA
subsequently issued a revised draft that retained Article 19, albeit in modified form. The United
States will continue to engage with China on this and other issues.
Utility model and design patents
For years, the U.S. Government and U.S. rights holders have expressed concerns about the
quality of China’s utility model and design patents, which SIPO grants without substantive
examination and which China encourages through subsidies and other incentives. The poor
quality of many of these patents has led to abusive litigation, and burdens on legitimate
businesses seeking to make patentability or freedom to operate determinations. After receiving
comments on a prior draft, amendments to SIPO’s patent examination guidelines for utility
model and design patents came into force on October 15, 2013. Although the new guidelines do
not require substantive examination, they permit examiners to gather additional information in
certain cases at their discretion. The impact of the recent change is still difficult to assess, but
the amendments appears to be a welcome initial step. 37
On May 1, 2014, new SIPO examination guidelines take effect allowing the grant of design
patents on graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This welcome step comes after sustained U.S.
engagement, although the impact of certain provisions in the guidelines pose the potential to
undermine at least some of the apparent gains.
The United States looks forward to continuing to work with China to resolve these and other
India remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014. In making this determination, the United
States recognizes not only the concerns listed below, but also the critical role that meaningful,
constructive, and effective engagement between India and the United States should play in
resolving these concerns. Serious difficulties in attaining constructive engagement on issues of
concern to U.S. and other stakeholders have contributed to India’s challenging environment for
IPR protection and enforcement. In the coming months, the United States will redouble its
efforts to seek opportunities for meaningful, sustained, and effective engagement on IP-related
matters with the new government, including at senior levels and through technical exchanges,
that will both improve IP protection and enforcement in India, and support India’s efforts to
achieve a “Decade of Innovation” and advance its legitimate public policy goals. These
opportunities include strengthening IP-related discussions between U.S. and Indian government
officials; facilitating regular exchanges among IP-intensive industries and both governments;
initiating cooperative efforts to combat piracy; and working with the Government of India to
encourage the private sector to establish an IP-related task force under the U.S.-India CEO
Forum. To further encourage progress on IPR issues of concern, USTR will publish a Federal
Register notice and initiate an Out-of-Cycle Review (OCR) of India in the fall of
2014, commencing an assessment of the progress in that engagement.
In 2013, India made some limited progress in improving its weak IPR legal framework and
enforcement system. India acceded to and implemented the Madrid Protocol; continued progress
toward digitization of cable networks to help efforts to combat signal theft by cable operators;
and enacted rules to implement amendments to its Copyright Act. 2013 also saw more active
copyright enforcement by the Delhi High Court through the issuance of Ashok Kumar and Anton
Piller orders, which provide injunctive relief to rights holders.
In many areas, however, IP protection and enforcement challenges are growing, and there are
serious questions regarding the future of the innovation climate in India across multiple sectors
and disciplines. In fact, many of the submissions made by a wide array of stakeholders in this
year’s Special 301 reporting process underscored increasing challenges rights holders face in
India, and a number of those submissions sought the strongest censure of India’s IP environment
available under Special 301. The United States urges India to take specific actions to address the
concerns raised, including by means of constructive bilateral engagement. The United States
also urges India to reconsider how to meet its legitimate domestic policy objectives while
fostering a climate for innovation. The United States continues to encourage India to strengthen
civil IPR enforcement by increasing judicial efficiency and reducing court backlogs through
electronic case management, fast-track procedures, specialized judges, and similar reform
measures. In addition, the United States supports India’s efforts to initiate criminal
investigations and launch raids at counterfeit goods markets; combat the manufacture, sale and 38
distribution of counterfeit medicines; initiate investigations and judicial actions against Internet
piracy; and seek deterrent sentences against persons or entities engaging in copyright piracy and
trademark counterfeiting.
Copyright and Piracy
India boasts a vibrant domestic creative industry, but it faces a range of challenges, including
growing piracy, particularly over the Internet, that should be addressed through appropriate legal
and enforcement reforms. The United States continues to seek additional changes to the
amended Copyright Act and related rules that went into effect in 2013. These changes would
help resolve questions regarding the scope of exclusive rights under Indian law and the ability of
rights holders to exercise those rights. They would also help ensure that content-based industries
can effectively combat physical and online piracy and develop new models for the delivery of
content, particularly in the digital environment. The United States encourages India, as part of
its copyright and enforcement reforms, to enact anti-camcording legislation; to model its
statutory license provisions relating to copyrighted works upon Berne Convention standards; to
ensure that collecting societies are licensed promptly and able to operate effectively; and to
provide additional protections against signal theft, circumvention of technological protection
measures, and online copyright piracy.
The United States is particularly concerned over online piracy in India given the size and growth
of India’s market. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, as of December 2012,
India’s Internet user base was the third largest in the world, with 120 million users, and by 2015,
India will have the world’s second largest user base, estimated at 330-370 million Internet users.
This trend makes it all the more imperative that India incorporate into its legal system more
effective measures to counter online piracy, including appropriate notice-and-takedown
procedures and other efficient mechanisms for rights holders to seek removal of infringing
content from websites, consistent with international best practices.
The high incidence of camcording in India underscores the importance of developing an
effective legal framework to address this problem. India has one of the highest rates of video
piracy in the world, according to the Motion Pictures Distributors Association of India (MPDA).
Moreover, according to the Motion Picture Association (MPA), camcording incidents involving
motion pictures produced by MPA member studios alone have risen rapidly over the past few
years, with 155 forensic matches traced to India from 2009 to 2011. In 2013 alone, there were
reportedly 43 such forensic matches, accounting for approximately half of all such incidents in
the Asia-Pacific in that year. These incidents do not take into account camcording of films
produced by non-MPA members, including many films produced in India and elsewhere in the
world. The United States welcomes statements made by the Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting that it plans to include specific anti-camcording provisions in the draft
Cinematographic Bill, and the support of the government of Andhra Pradesh that helped launch
in 2013 the India Movie Cop app developed by that state’s film industry.
The United States notes limited improvements with respect to copyright enforcement, including
reports that enforcement officials cooperate with music industry rights holders in conducting
complaint-based raids, and increased use of judicial orders that have strengthened enforcement
against pirated movies and music online. The United States encourages India to take additional
steps to improve coordination with enforcement officials of state governments within India. 39
To strengthen engagement on these and other copyright issues, and to build upon the strengths of
the vibrant Indian and U.S. copyright-intensive industries, including in movies, music, and
software, the United States would welcome closer bilateral cooperation with India in addressing
the challenges of copyright piracy of U.S. and Indian content globally, including, for example,
cooperation and exchanges at the technical level between copyright protection and enforcement
experts in each government.
Patents & Regulatory Data Protection
The United States continues to encourage India to promote a stable and predictable patent system
that nurtures and incentivizes innovation. As leading economies with a strong tradition of
innovation, India and the United States can and should ensure supportive environments for
innovators to achieve success and make significant contributions to economic growth in both
The United States commends India on actions taken in recent years to improve the operations of
its Patent Office, including digitizing records, upgrading online search and e-filing capabilities,
and hiring additional patent examiners. The United States urges India to continue its recent
efforts to address its patent application backlog. The United States welcomes recent statements
from India’s Controller-General of Patents regarding plans to hire 500 patent examiners in the
next five years, as well as a Delhi High Court decision ordering a committee of senior officials to
develop a plan of action to address the backlog and ensure that future applications are processed
within the statutory deadline. The United States encourages greater technical collaboration
between patent authorities in both countries that would facilitate the more timely examination of
patent applications.
Recent actions by the Government of India with respect to patents, however, have raised serious
concerns about the innovation climate in India and risk hindering India’s progress towards an
innovation-focused economy. In the pharmaceutical sector and increasingly in other sectors,
such as the agro-chemicals and green technology sectors, some innovators face serious
challenges in securing and enforcing patents in India. In recognition of the fact that an
environment conducive to the protection and enforcement of IP can help to address pressing
domestic policy challenges, the United States encourages India to adopt policies that support
both cutting-edge innovation to address important health challenges and a robust generic market.
For example, a patent system should encourage the development of inventions that meet the
well-established international criteria of being new, involving an inventive step, and being
capable of industrial application, including as provided for in the TRIPS Agreement. Under
India’s Patents Act, a patent is available for an “invention,” defined in Section 2(j) of the Act as
a product or process that is novel, has an inventive step, and is capable of industrial application.
Section 3(d) of India’s Patent Act states in relevant part that “the mere discovery of a new form
of a known substance which does not result in the enhancement of the known efficacy of that
substance” is not considered to be an “invention” under Indian law.1 As the Indian Supreme
1 Section 3(d) contains a further Explanation stating that “[f]or the purposes of this clause [3(d)],
salts, esthers, ethers, polymorphs, metabolites, pure form, particle size, isomers, mixtures of
isomers, complexes, combinations and other derivatives of known substance shall be considered
to be the same substance, unless they differ significantly in properties with regard to efficacy.” 40
Court recently explained, in the case of patent applications for pharmaceuticals and other
The amended portion of section 3(d) clearly sets up a second tier of qualifying
standards for chemical substances/pharmaceutical products in order to leave the
door open for true and genuine inventions …. [O]n reading [section 2] with
section 3(d) it would appear that the Act sets different standards for qualifying as
‘inventions’ things belonging to different classes, and for medicines and drugs
and other chemical substances, the Act sets the invention threshold higher, by
virtue of [section 3(d)]. … [I]n case of chemicals and especially pharmaceuticals
if the product for which patent protection is claimed is a new form of a known
substance with known efficacy, then the subject product must pass, in addition to
clauses (j) and (ja) of section 2(1), the test of enhanced efficacy as provided in
section 3(d) read with its explanation.2
The United States is concerned that section 3(d), as interpreted, may have the effect of limiting
the patentability of potentially beneficial innovations. Such innovations would include drugs
with fewer side effects, decreased toxicity, improved delivery systems, or temperature or storage
stability. In practice, this standard has already been applied to deny patent protections to
potentially beneficial innovations, some of which enjoy patent protection in multiple other
Even after a product receives a patent, Indian law continues to pose challenges to the enjoyment
of that IPR protection.
First, the United States supports patent systems that incorporate efficient patent procedures and
foster high-quality patents, and, in that connection, urges India to improve and streamline its
patent opposition procedures. Specifically, under India’s patent regime, the same interested
person may, at minimal cost, challenge a patent through both pre-grant and post-grant opposition
proceedings on any of eleven enumerated grounds, including by citing the same grounds in both
pre- and post-grant challenges. As a result, applications can be tied up in costly challenge
proceedings for years, all the while running the potential term of the patent which begins from
the application filing date, thus impeding an applicant’s ability to make investments and conduct
Second, while bearing in mind the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health, discussed in
the Intellectual Property and Health Policy section of this Report, the United States also
continues to monitor developments concerning compulsory licensing of patents in India. The
United States urges India to provide greater transparency about its ongoing inter-ministerial
process that is considering over a dozen patented medicines as candidates for government-
initiated compulsory licenses, and urges India to allow opportunities for input by rights holders,
as appropriate, with respect to decisions concerning compulsory licenses.
In addition, the United States continues to be concerned with the rationale underlying a decision
by India’s Controller-General of Patents to grant a compulsory license under Section 84 of
India’s Patents Act (which allows private parties to initiate proceedings seeking a compulsory
2 Novartis AG v. Union of India & Others, Civ. App. Nos. 2706-2716 (Supreme Court, April 1,
2013), paragraphs 103, 104, and 192 (emphasis added). 41
license of a patented article), as upheld by a recent judgment of the IPAB. The grant of the
compulsory license was based, in part, on the innovator’s failure to “work” the patent in India
because it imported its products, rather than manufacturing them in India. The United States
recognizes that, on appeal, the IPAB modified the Controller-General’s reasoning to clarify that
“in some cases” the “working” requirement could be met solely by importation. The IPAB,
however, rejected the innovator’s explanation that economic factors prevented manufacturing in
India, stating, “the patentee must show why it could not be locally manufactured. A mere
statement to that effect is not sufficient[,] there must be evidence.”3 The IPAB did not clarify the
circumstances under which the “working” requirement would be met without manufacturing in
India. The decision could inappropriately pressure innovators outside of India – including those
in sectors well beyond pharmaceuticals, such as green technology and information and
communications technology – to manufacture in India in order to avoid being compelled to
license an invention to third parties. The IPAB’s decision is currently on appeal to the Bombay
High Court.
Although the government has issued only one compulsory license under Section 84, India has
made clear that it views compulsory licensing as an important tool of industrial policy for green
technologies, with the potential to be applied more regularly across economic sectors.
Specifically, India has promoted compulsory licensing in its National Manufacturing Policy as a
mechanism available for government entities to effectuate technology transfer in the clean
energy sector. India similarly has sought to multilateralize this approach in ongoing negotiations
under the UNFCCC. In those negotiations India continues to identify patents as obstacles to the
dissemination of climate change technologies, pressing for outcomes that would potentially
undermine incentives for innovation, such as existing global standards for patent protection that
is a critical part of the response to climate change and other environmental challenges.
The United States also notes with concern the continuing challenges involved with enforcement
of patent rights in India, including challenges that patent holders face in securing injunctions
against firms that manufacture patented inventions without authorization from the patent holder.
Additionally, when approving such manufacture without authorization, Indian state
governmental authorities reportedly do not have a mechanism to confirm whether the item to be
manufactured is under patent. Recent cases such as Merck v. Glenmark and Cipla v. Roche
illustrate this problem and underscore the need for greater regulatory coordination between
officials in state and central governments.
Finally, the United States also urges India to provide an effective system for protecting against
unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of undisclosed test or other data
generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products,
and to ensure that such a system applies to all pharmaceutical products and not just traditional
Indian medicines. It is noteworthy, however, that the Pesticides Management Bill, currently
before Parliament, includes provisions for data protection of agricultural chemicals for five
years, although that time period begins with the product’s first marketing approval anywhere in
the world. Meanwhile, data protection for pharmaceuticals remains under consideration by the
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Without these types of protections in place against the
unfair commercial use of clinical test data, companies in India reportedly are able to copy certain
3 Decision of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board, Chennai, March 4, 2013, OA/35/2012/PT/MUM, Paragraph 52 42
pharmaceutical products and seek immediate government approval for marketing based on the
original developer’s data.
Trademarks and Counterfeiting
The United States continues to observe significant delays associated with cancellation and
opposition proceedings at the administrative level of the Trademark Registry, which are
exacerbated by delays in India’s judicial processes. While opposition and cancellation
proceedings are complex matters that require careful consideration, the reported backlog of more
than 160,000 cases represents a significant challenge for companies trying to invest and build
brands in India. These delays undermine enforcement mechanisms and their ability to
discourage infringing conduct. The United States urges India to take steps to expedite
proceedings before the Trademark Registry.
Additionally, the production, sale, distribution, import, and export of counterfeit goods in India
remains very troubling. In a study published in September 2013 by the International Chamber of
Commerce and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry analyzing seven
key industry sectors vulnerable to counterfeiting and smuggling (automotive parts, alcohol,
computer hardware, personal goods, packaged foods, mobile phones, and tobacco products),
researchers concluded that unauthorized counterfeiting and smuggling caused average sales
losses to right holders of 21.7 percent or approximately $11.9 billion in 2012. Collectively, the
Indian government’s economic loss tied to these illicit activities totaled approximately $4.26
billion, according to the study. This problem is particularly troubling with respect to the
production and distribution of counterfeit pharmaceuticals. While India is one of the world’s
largest producers of legitimate, high-quality generic pharmaceuticals, and the United States is
India’s largest single export market for generic pharmaceuticals, India is also the top supplier of
counterfeit pharmaceuticals to the United States, according to U.S. Customs and Border
Protection data and analysis.
Trade Secrets
The United States is increasingly concerned about trade secret protection in India, particularly
the reported difficulty in obtaining remedies and damages. India appears to rely primarily upon
the law of contract to provide trade secret protection. Although India’s contract-based approach
may address the theft of trade secrets where a contract has been breached, India’s approach may
be less effective in covering situations in which there is no contractual relationship, such as in
cases of theft by a business competitor. Although Indian law does provide for some remedies,
including injunctive relief, in practice, damages can be very difficult to obtain. Finally, because
India’s court system reportedly lacks sufficient procedural safeguards to protect trade secrets or
other confidential information divulged through discovery in civil or criminal litigation, there is a
risk that such information may be disclosed publicly in the course of judicial proceedings.
Localization Trends
The United States commends India’s recognition of the importance of innovation in connection
with its efforts to promote manufacturing, but urges India to resist imposing discriminatory or
other trade-restrictive measures in pursuit of that objective at the expense of adequate and
effective protection of IPR. The United States welcomes India’s decision to revise the
Preferential Market Access (PMA) policy, which previously contained elements that appeared to 43
treat India-owned IP more favorably than foreign-owned IP. The United States remains
concerned, however, about actions and policies in India that appear to favor local manufacturing
or Indian IP owners in a manner that distorts the competitive landscape needed to ensure the
development of globally successful and innovative industries. For example, last year’s Drug
Price Control Order (DPCO) imposes pricing restrictions on the sale of 348 medicines, but
provides exemptions from those restrictions—that is, allows them to be priced at higher levels—
for certain medicines that are manufactured in India and “developed using indigenous Research
and Development.” In addition, as noted above, the IPAB’s interpretation of Section 84 of
India’s Patents Act suggests that a patent could be subject to a compulsory license if it is not
manufactured in India.
The United States looks forward to continuing to work with India to address these and other
Russia remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014 as a result of continued, significant challenges
to IPR protection and enforcement. Russia passed amendments to its Civil Code that
substantially weakened protections for industrial designs and introduced confusion into the
available scope of copyright exceptions and limitations.
The United States is troubled that IPR enforcement continued to decrease overall in 2013,
following a dramatic decline in 2012, and remained plagued by a lack of transparency and
effectiveness. Stakeholders express concern about the manufacture, transshipment and retail
availability of counterfeit goods, including counterfeits of agricultural chemicals, electronics,
information technology, auto parts, consumer goods, machinery, and other products.
Enforcement actions combatting end user piracy have sharply declined, including a decrease in
raids, initiations of criminal cases, and issuances of court verdicts.
The United States urges Russia to develop an appropriately strong, more transparent, and more
effective legal framework and enforcement strategy to reduce the sale of counterfeit goods online
and piracy of copyright-protected content. Counterfeit pharmaceuticals are reportedly
manufactured in Russia and made available through online pharmacies. The United States notes
that Russian courts issued the first two criminal convictions for online piracy this year. Both
resulted in suspended sentences, and one also included a fine. It is reported that both cases
required investigations of multiple years and that there is little interest in future prosecutions of
this type by law enforcement officials. Russia remains home to many sites facilitating online
piracy, which damage both the legitimate content market in Russia as well as third-country
Russia has not issued regulations clarifying the protection against the unfair commercial use, as
well as unauthorized disclosure, of test and other data generated to obtain marketing approval for
pharmaceutical products. Russia has also not enacted a formal review and improvement of its
collecting society system, which is nontransparent and burdensome. The United States will
continue to monitor Russia’s progress on these and other matters. 44
Algeria remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014. The United States welcomes Algeria’s
intensive work on intellectual property awareness, its accession to the WIPO Internet Treaties,
and improved coordination of enforcement agencies and looks forward to seeing tangible results
from this work. However, Algeria’s ban on a number of imported pharmaceutical products and
medical devices in favor of local products is a trade matter of paramount concern, and is the
reason Algeria remains on the Priority Watch List. The United States looks forward to
continuing its engagement with Algeria, including in the context of Algeria’s efforts to accede to
the WTO, and urges Algeria to remove this market access barrier.
Argentina remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014, a position it has occupied since 1996.
Argentina has made little progress in improving protection and enforcement of intellectual
property rights over the past year. Significant concerns remain with respect to the high levels of
piracy and counterfeiting, including in the digital environment, and the lack of political will to
address the situation, although Argentina’s customs and tax authority (AFIP) has conducted
some enforcement operations. A prime example of the absence of even basic enforcement of IP
laws is the continued growth and expansion of the Notorious Market La Salada, and its owners’
ability to continue operating with impunity. Delays in the acquisition of IP rights, and a lack of
transparency for patentability criteria, also raise concerns. Argentina’s patent application backlog
is growing, a problem that could be alleviated by Argentina’s accession to the Patent
Cooperation Treaty (PCT), if the political will to do so existed. Argentina also fails to provide
effective protection against unfair commercial use or unauthorized disclosure of test and other
data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products. The United States
looks forward to continuing to work with Argentina to address these and other issues.
Chile remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014. The United States continues to have serious
concerns regarding outstanding IPR issues under the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement.
The United States continues to urge Chile to implement an effective system for addressing patent
issues expeditiously in connection with applications to market pharmaceutical products. The
United States also continues to urge Chile to implement both protections against the unlawful
circumvention of technological protection measures and protections for encrypted program-
carrying satellite signals. Chile must also ensure that effective administrative and judicial
procedures, as well as deterrent remedies, are made available to rights holders and satellite and
cable service providers, including measures to address ongoing concerns with decoder boxes.
The United States also urges Chile to provide adequate protection against unfair commercial use,
as well as unauthorized disclosure, of undisclosed test or other data generated to obtain
marketing approval for pharmaceutical products. Finally, the United States urges Chile to amend
its Internet service provider (ISP) liability regime to permit effective action against piracy over
the Internet and to also take steps to improve the protection of plant varieties. The United States 45
looks forward to continuing to work with Chile to resolve these and other issues, including
through the TPP negotiations.
Indonesia remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014. Indonesian authorities have continued
educational outreach to the public to advance IPR awareness and have engaged with the United
States through the IPR Working Group under the United States-Indonesia Trade and Investment
Framework Agreement to develop an action plan to improve IPR protection and enforcement to
address high levels of IPR infringement in Indonesia. The United States welcomes reports of
enforcement raids conducted against counterfeit and pirated goods, as well as a reported increase
in actions against counterfeit and substandard pharmaceutical products. However, the United
States remains concerned about gaps in Indonesia’s laws relating to the protection and
enforcement of IPR, and urges Indonesia to address these issues. The United States is also
concerned that Indonesia’s IPR enforcement efforts, despite the raids mentioned above, have not
been effective in addressing rampant piracy and counterfeiting, reflected in growing piracy over
the Internet and widely available counterfeit pharmaceutical products. The United States urges
Indonesia to take steps to address inefficiencies in its judicial and prosecutorial systems which
include a lack of transparency and deterrent-level sentences. In regard to cable piracy, Indonesia
has conducted outreach to raise public awareness about unauthorized distribution of cable signals
and Indonesia’s continuing licensing process. However, these efforts have had little or no impact
to date on widespread cable piracy. The United States continues to encourage Indonesia to
provide an effective system for protecting against the unfair commercial use, as well as
unauthorized disclosure, of undisclosed test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval
for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products. The United States also remains
concerned about market access barriers in Indonesia, including measures that appear to condition
permissions to import medicines on at least partial local manufacturing or technology transfer
requirements. Other measures that could restrict market access relate to the importation of
motion pictures. The United States remains concerned by Indonesian government statements
indicating that Indonesia failed to abide by Indonesian legal procedures in issuing a compulsory
license decree in 2012, and indicating that Indonesian patent law does not require individual
merits review in connection with the grant of compulsory licenses. The United States further
encourages Indonesia to provide for judicial or other independent review of any compulsory
license authorizations. The United States looks forward to working with Indonesia on these and
other matters.
Pakistan remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014. Although Pakistan has continued its efforts
to advance IPR enforcement, including through raids, seizures, and arrests by various
enforcement authorities, there have not been significant improvements in its overall IPR
protection. Pakistan has not yet fully implemented the Intellectual Property Organization of
Pakistan Act of 2012 (IPO Act). Notably, Pakistan has yet to establish the specialized IP
tribunals and an operational IPO Policy Board provided for under the IPO Act. Widespread 46
counterfeiting and piracy, particularly book and optical disc piracy, continue to present serious
concerns for U.S. industry. Pakistan should ensure that its enforcement officials can exercise ex
officio authority without the need for a formal complaint by a rights holder, and should provide
for deterrent-level penalties for criminal IPR infringement. Pakistan should also take the
necessary steps to reform its copyright law to address the piracy challenges of the digital age.
The United States continues to encourage Pakistan to provide an effective system for protecting
against unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of tests and other data
generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products. The United States
appreciates Pakistan’s interest in improving its IPR environment and looks forward to working
with Pakistan to address these and other issues, including in connection with Pakistan’s
implementation of the IPO Act.
Thailand remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014. The United States remains encouraged by
Thailand’s stated commitment to improving IPR protection and enforcement, and is hopeful that
the National IPR Center of Enforcement, launched in March 2013, will help to improve
coordination and allow for more effective enforcement actions among Thai enforcement
agencies. The United States urges Thailand to complete many of the legislative initiatives begun
in past years, including: legislation to address landlord liability and unauthorized camcording of
motion pictures in theaters; to provide Thai Customs with ex officio authority; to fully implement
the provisions of the WIPO Internet Treaties; to restructure the Trade Secret Committee and
modify penalty provisions under the Trade Secrets Act; to accelerate patent examination and
registration procedures and address issues such as partial designs; and to establish improved
legal mechanisms to address the rapidly growing problem of copyright piracy and trademark
counterfeiting on the Internet. The United States also urges Thailand to take enforcement action
against widespread piracy and counterfeiting in the country; to impose deterrent-level sentences;
and to address effectively its longstanding problem of piracy of cable and satellite signals. The
United States continues to encourage Thailand to provide an effective system for protecting
against the unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of test or other data
generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products.
The United States urges Thailand to engage in a meaningful and transparent manner with all
relevant stakeholders, including IPR owners, as it considers ways to address Thailand’s public
health challenges, while maintaining a patent system that promotes innovation. The United
States looks forward to continuing to work with Thailand to address these and other issues.
Venezuela remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014. Issues of continuing concern include:
questions about the consistency of domestic laws and international obligations resulting from the
2008 reinstatement of the 1955 Industrial Property Law; the status of trademarks that were
registered under the Andean Community law prior to Venezuela’s withdrawal from the Andean
Community; and lack of enforcement against counterfeiting and piracy, both physical and online.
The United States also continues to encourage Venezuela to provide an effective system for 47
protecting against the unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of undisclosed
test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products.
Barbados remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States continues to be concerned in
Barbados and throughout the Caribbean region about the interception and retransmission of
United States cable programming by local cable operators without the consent of, and without
adequately compensating, United States rights holders. The United States also continues to have
concerns in Barbados and throughout the region about the refusal of local TV and radio
broadcasters and cable/satellite operators to pay for public performances of music. (See Section
I). The United States urges the Government of Barbados to take all administrative actions
necessary, without undue delay, to ensure that all composers and songwriters receive the
royalties they are owed for the public performance of their musical works. In addition, the
United States urges the Government of Barbados to adopt copyright legislation that protects
works in both the physical and online environments and to take steps to prevent the unauthorized
and uncompensated retransmission of copyrighted musical and audiovisual content. The United
States looks forward to working with Barbados to resolve these and other issues.
Belarus remains on the Watch List in 2014. Despite recent efforts to improve enforcement
against IP infringements, including methods for collecting and preserving evidence of IPR
violations involving the Internet, piracy and counterfeiting remain widespread. Belarus has still
not passed amendments to the Criminal, Administrative and Procedural codes originally
proposed in 2011, and has not yet established civil remedies or criminal penalties for online
piracy. The United States appreciates the government’s decision to approve the Eurasian
Economic Commission Board’s agreement on coordination of measures to protect IPR and
encourages Belarus to further harmonize its IPR regime with the regulatory principles adopted
under the Customs Union. For example, Belarus could improve the investigation of suspected
infringement cases, seizure of infringing goods, and prosecution of IPR violations by creating the
unified trademark registry and implementing and exercising the ex officio authority provisions of
the Customs Union Customs Code. The United States appreciates recent outreach by Belarus on
IPR matters and looks forward to working with Belarus on these and other issues.
Bolivia remains on the Watch List in 2014. The Government of Bolivia has undertaken public
awareness efforts and has made some enforcement attempts, but rampant piracy and
counterfeiting persist. The United States encourages Bolivia to take steps to improve its
enforcement of IPR, including by improving coordination among Bolivian enforcement
authorities and with the authorities of its neighboring countries. 48
Brazil remains on the Watch List in 2014. Brazil continues on a generally positive trajectory
regarding both its domestic intellectual property rights (IPR) policy and its enforcement of IPR.
Brazil has taken steps to address a backlog of pending patent and trademark applications,
including by authorizing the hiring of for new examiners, but very long delays still exist. Brazil
has also continued to make progress in enhancing the effectiveness of IPR enforcement,
conducting raids across the country under the coordination of the National Council to Combat
Piracy. Significant concerns remain with respect to the high levels of counterfeiting and piracy,
including Internet piracy; however, positive strides have been made in the area of pay-television
piracy. Although laudable enforcement efforts also have occurred at the border, greater
emphasis on this challenge is needed, particularly in the tri-border region, including the issuance
of more deterrent penalties in such cases. Concerns also persist with respect to Brazil’s
inadequate protection against unfair commercial use of undisclosed test and other data generated
to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products. In addition, regulations that provide
Brazil’s health authority, the National Sanitary Regulatory Agency (ANVISA), with the
authority to review pharmaceutical patent applications for patentability requirements are not
transparent or predictable and appear to contravene earlier opinions by the Federal Attorney
General, which clarified that ANVISA does not have such authority. The United States is also
concerned about a series of lawsuits recently filed by Brazil’s National Industrial Property
Institute (INPI) seeking to invalidate or shorten the term of certain “mailbox” patents for
pharmaceutical and agrochemical products. The United States believes it is important for Brazil
to continue to create an IP climate that affords both domestic and foreign IP holders with
incentives to invest in the market. We look forward to engaging constructively with Brazil in
support of its work in the IPR arena and to address remaining concerns.
Bulgaria is on the Watch List in 2014. Despite some limited improvements, the United States
continues to have serious concerns regarding IPR infringement in Bulgaria. Copyright piracy
over the Internet in Bulgaria remains a significant problem in this market. Numerous online
infringing services operate in the market and enforcement actions seldom result in convictions or
deterrent sentences. Investigations on copyright piracy, including against enterprise end-user
software piracy, initiated by the Bulgarian anti-cybercrime unit have stalled because that unit’s
responsibilities and personnel were transferred to a different agency. The number of working
sessions of the Council for IPR Protection have declined and there are fewer staff in the
Copyright Office of the Ministry of Culture, twin events that have weakened Bulgaria’s ability to
effectively enforce its IP laws. Collecting societies continue to report serious challenges in
collecting royalties and in enforcing their rights through administrative or judicial actions. High
levels of trademark counterfeiting also persist. The government has reduced staffing at the
Patent Office, which is responsible for registrations (e.g., patents and trademarks) as well as
certain enforcement functions (e.g., inspections, issuance of fines, and sentencing in cases
referred from criminal courts), thereby hindering that office’s ability to make sufficient routine
inspections or to conduct adequate enforcement. Bad faith trademark applications are also a 49
growing concern and are often granted due to these constraints at the Bulgarian Patent Office.
Unfortunately, a lack of coordination between investigation and prosecution authorities creates
inefficiencies in the effective enforcement of IP cases, which is compounded by inadequacies in
the Bulgarian judicial system. Generally, rights holders face significant delays in the
adjudication of IPR disputes, many of which do not reach final sentencing, and when they do,
remedies are not a deterrent to further infringements. Bulgaria’s government should coordinate
with rights holders and other interested parties, such as Internet service providers (ISPs), to
develop recommendations for reducing Internet piracy. We also encourage Bulgaria to engage in
meaningful follow-up on its Mass Software Compliance Campaign initiated by the Ministries of
Culture and Interior in early 2013. Notwithstanding these continuing issues, the United States
recognizes the positive steps Bulgaria has taken to address IPR infringement in its market. For
example, Bulgaria has been able to engage in certain enforcement actions, including those led by
the Ministry of Culture. The Ministry of Culture’s Copyright Office also facilitated a royalty
payment agreement between the holders of film rights and the Bulgarian Association of Cable
and Communication Operators (BACCO). The United States encourages Bulgaria to continue to
enhance its IPR protection and enforcement efforts and intensify its engagement on IPR public
awareness. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Bulgaria to address
these and other issues.
Canada remains on the Watch List in 2014. On copyright issues, the United States welcomed the
passage of the Copyright Modernization Act in June 2012. As part of Canada’s implementation
of this law, the United States urges Canada to implement its WIPO Internet Treaties
commitments in a manner consistent with its international obligations and to continue to address
the challenges of copyright piracy in the digital age. Regarding border enforcement issues,
Canada re-introduced the Combating Counterfeit Products Act in October 2013 to strengthen
IPR enforcement. The bill included provisions that would provide ex officio authority to
Canadian customs officials to seize pirated and counterfeit goods at the border. The United
States supports Canada’s commitment to address the serious problem of pirated and counterfeit
goods entering our highly integrated supply chains and urges Canada, as it proceeds with this
legislation, to expand its scope to provide authority for its customs officials to take action against
such goods in-transit. With respect to pharmaceuticals, the United States continues to have
serious concerns about the availability of rights of appeal in Canada’s administrative process for
reviewing regulatory approval of pharmaceutical products. The United States also has serious
concerns about the lack of clarity and the impact of the heightened utility requirements for
patents that Canadian courts have applied recently. Under this amorphous and evolving
standard, courts can invalidate a patent on utility grounds by construing the “promise of a patent”
years after the patent has been granted, leading to uncertainty for patent holders and applicants
and undermining incentives for investment in the pharmaceutical sector. In applying this
standard, courts have invalidated a number of patents held by U.S. pharmaceutical companies,
finding now that those products lack utility (i.e., not capable of industrial application), even
though such products have been in the market and benefiting patients for years. The United 50
States will closely monitor developments on these issues and looks forward to continuing to
work with Canada to address these and other IPR issues, including through the TPP negotiations.
Colombia remains on the Watch List in 2014. The Government of Colombia has made tangible
progress in the areas of internal coordination of enforcement agencies, reducing patent
application backlogs, and training judges and law enforcement officials on IPR issues. However,
earlier progress on IPR legislation was reversed in 2013 when the Colombian Constitutional
Court invalidated on procedural grounds the law enacting many IPR-related commitments made
under the United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (CTPA). Colombia has not yet
reestablished the provisions contained in the earlier invalidated law. In addition, Colombia’s
limitations on the patentability of certain pharmaceuticals and challenges related to
pharmaceutical and agrochemical data protection are areas of concern. The United States urges
Colombia to implement geographical indications protections in a manner that is consistent with
its obligations under the CTPA. Persistently high levels of both hard goods and Internet piracy
continue to plague the country in spite of periodic, laudable enforcement efforts. For example,
Colombia’s San Andresitos markets remain rife with counterfeit and pirated products and were
again named in USTR’s Notorious Markets List in 2013. Greater enforcement attention is
needed to disrupt organized distribution of illicit goods, including in the border areas. The
United States looks forward to continuing constructive engagement with Colombia on these and
other matters.
Costa Rica
Costa Rica remains on the Watch List in 2014. Costa Rica’s efforts to address certain
longstanding problems have not yet taken hold and new problems have arisen in the meantime.
Several long-term concerns relate to weak IPR enforcement. Few criminal prosecutions result in
deterrent-level sentencing in Costa Rica, despite growing evidence of links between certain IPR
infringement and organized crime. The United States applauded a 2011 announcement that a
specialized IPR prosecution unit would be created, but it is unclear whether that initiative is
actually underway. Similarly, while the government of Costa Rica announced a plan in 2010 to
ensure that the government would use only licensed software, progress has been limited until
recently, and actual results remain unknown. Costa Rican law still allows Internet service
providers (ISPs) 45 days to forward infringement notices to subscribers, which represents a very
long period of time, especially considering that certain content may be of relatively short-term
interest to the public. Pharmaceutical patent holders report a number of concerns, including
poorly defined exceptions to Costa Rica’s data exclusivity regime. The United States
encourages Costa Rica to engage with the private sector and other interested parties as it
evaluates legislative reforms relating to health care. In terms of new problems, initial
administrative determinations on applications to register certain geographical indications present
a notable concern, as first-level authorities seemed not to acknowledge relevant evidence
presented by interested parties in opposition. At the same time, Costa Rica has taken positive
steps forward. Costa Rica has rolled out an electronically searchable trademark database, it has 51
compiled better enforcement statistics, and it has formed and trained a new border police unit,
which could have a positive impact on IPR enforcement. Given Costa Rica’s demonstrated
ability to address issues of its choosing, the United States urges Costa Rica to develop clear plans
to tackle longstanding problems and to demonstrate tangible progress in implementing those
plans prior to the next Special 301 review.
Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic remains on the Watch List in 2014. While several positive
developments merit recognition, substantial concerns remain, especially with respect to the
widespread availability of pirated and counterfeit products. In terms of steps forward,
Dominican Republic authorities have provided more effective regulatory protection against
pharmaceutical patent infringement and have in individual cases provided for the protection of
undisclosed test and other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical
products against unfair commercial use and unauthorized disclosure, although the United States
urges the Dominican Republic to clarify the governing procedural frameworks. The Dominican
Republic has also made a trademark database available online. Nevertheless, IPR enforcement
agencies in the Dominican Republic continue to experience a lack of coordination, resources,
and training. As an example, the Dominican Republic reports enhanced enforcement efforts to
address cable signal piracy, yet the private sector has not observed a substantial resulting impact.
A major and unresolved problem is the Dominican Republic’s large backlog of pending patent
applications. Over 1,300 patent applications were pending as of January 2014, whereas less than
250 patent certificates were issued from 2000-2013. The multi-year delays in the patent
application and examination process highlight the urgent need to reduce the backlog and to
address outstanding concerns to implement CAFTA-DR obligations with respect to patent term
adjustment. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with the Dominican
Republic to address these and other issues.
Ecuador remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States is very concerned about the
recent de-criminalization of IPR infringement. Ecuador continues to experience high levels of
piracy and counterfeiting and relatively low levels of enforcement. The repeal of the criminal
enforcement provisions will only exacerbate the situation. On a positive note, Ecuador’s
Institute for Intellectual Property (IEPI) has undertaken public awareness efforts to attempt to
address the rampant IP theft occurring in Ecuador, including at La Bahia, a 2013 Notorious
Market. However, the United States remains concerned about the institutional weakening of
IEPI under a 2012 government reorganization. Furthermore, IEPI’s 2012 enactment of exorbitant
fees for patent and plant variety registration and maintenance, and the lack of protection against
unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of undisclosed test or other data
generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products
could have an adverse effect on foreign investment in those sectors. 52
Egypt remains on the Watch List in 2014. IPR challenges for Egypt include the failure to obtain
deterrent-level sentences for IPR violations that are prosecuted and the need for additional
training for enforcement officials. Egypt has not issued regulations to clarify border procedures
for the destruction of counterfeit and pirated products and to provide customs officials with the
authority to take ex officio action. The United States urges Egypt to clarify its protection against
the unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of undisclosed test or other data
generated to obtain marketing approval of pharmaceutical products. Although Egypt is working
to upgrade its trademark system, rights holders have expressed concerns about the registration of
trademarks filed in bad-faith. Rights holders have reported certain market access impediments,
such as fees and taxes applied to foreign films. The United States appreciates Egypt’s recent
engagement on many of these and other IPR issues and stands ready to work with Egypt to
improve its IPR regime.
Finland remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States continues to be concerned about
the lack of product patent protection for certain pharmaceutical products. U.S. industry also has
expressed concern that the regulatory framework in Finland regarding process patents filed
before 1995, and pending in 1996, denies adequate protection to many of the top-selling U.S.
pharmaceutical products currently on the Finnish market. The United States looks forward to
continuing to work with Finland to address these and other issues.
Greece remains on the Watch List in 2014. U.S. concerns continue with respect to several IPR
protection and enforcement issues in Greece. The United States encourages Greece to continue
its efforts to implement the 2009 IPR Action Plan, which identifies many of these priority issues.
Greece should fully implement legislation and regulations that provide administrative fines for
software infringement. Greece should also take steps to ensure that it has effective legal
mechanisms to address piracy over the Internet, including by implementing existing measures
that allow civil actions by rights holders concerning piracy over the Internet, as well as by
providing ISPs with clear incentives to cooperate with rights holders in removing unauthorized
content. The lack of adequate governmental resources to combat piracy over the Internet has
exacerbated this growing problem. In addition, Greece should expand on its enforcement efforts
to address the continuing widespread availability of pirated and counterfeit goods. The United
States also continues to encourage Greece to address key challenges facing IPR enforcement in
the Greek judicial system, including significant delays and few infringement convictions.
Greece has made progress, however, in a few key areas. There has been positive development in
trademark protection particularly by passing a new trademark law which established the Illegal
Trade Coordination Center (SYKAP). Moreover, national police, customs, and financial police
also conducted investigations which resulted in seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods. In
particular, rights holders have experienced excellent cooperation with the Tax Police in 53
addressing enterprise end-user software piracy. The United States looks forward to continuing to
work with Greece to address these and other issues.
Guatemala remains on the Watch List in 2014. While a number of problems remain outstanding,
the United States applauds the Government of Guatemala’s willingness to consider U.S.
perspectives and concerns as Guatemala amended its laws and regulations relating to protections
for geographical indications. Administrative authorities in Guatemala recently issued rulings on
applications to register geographical indications (GIs) that appear sound and well-reasoned for
compound GI names, but U.S. exporters remain concerned that rulings on single-name GIs,
particularly related to dairy products, may prohibit new marketing opportunities for those
products in Guatemala. On another positive note, enforcement activity increased in 2013 as
compared to 2012, although it remained relatively ineffective given the scale of IPR
infringement in Guatemala. Pirated and counterfeit goods continue to be widely available in
Guatemala, and enforcement efforts are hampered by limited resources and the need for better
coordination among all enforcement agencies. Trademark squatting is a significant concern, as
administrative remedies are inadequate and relief through the courts is slow and expensive.
Government use of unlicensed software is another problem that remains largely unaddressed.
While the United States was encouraged by the 2011 enactment of legislation to strengthen
penalties against the production and distribution of counterfeit medicines, and some enforcement
efforts were initiated very recently, the United States is not aware of any successful prosecutions
under the law. The United States urges Guatemala to engage with private industry and other
interested parties regarding the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights for
pharmaceutical products and related legislative initiatives. The United States encourages
Guatemala to sustain and further increase its enforcement efforts against the manufacture of
pirated and counterfeit goods, and to take steps to improve the operation of its judicial system.
The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Guatemala to address these and
other matters.
Jamaica remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States continues to encourage Jamaica
to pass the long-awaited Patent and Designs Act. In the area of copyright, Jamaica is one of
several Caribbean countries with deficiencies related to protection and enforcement. (See
Section I). For several years, Jamaica has been identified by rights holders as one of the region’s
most problematic markets with respect to the unlicensed and uncompensated cable-casting and
broadcasting of copyrighted music. Jamaica has taken steps to ensure its regulatory agencies are
monitoring broadcasting entities and has pledged an open door policy to rights holders to discuss
their specific IP-related concerns. However, Jamaica maintains a statutory licensing regime for
the retransmission of copyrighted television programming but has not consistently enforced the
payment of statutory royalties to rights holders. The United States looks forward to continuing
to work with Jamaica to address these and other issues. 54
Although Kuwait remains on the Watch List, the United States will conduct an Out-of-Cycle
Review (OCR) in September 2014 to determine whether to elevate Kuwait to the Priority Watch
List. The review is prompted both by Kuwait’s failure for more than 14 years to draft and pass
amendments to its copyright law to meet international standards, and the recent sharp decline in
enforcement actions against copyright and trademark infringement. If Kuwait does not introduce
to the National Assembly legislation which will result in a copyright law that is consistent with
international standards and does not resume enforcement against copyright and trademark
infringement by the time of the OCR, Kuwait will be moved to the Priority Watch List. The
United States notes that the Kuwait Customs IPR Office has not halted its IP enforcement efforts,
and commends the work by that office. The United States remains willing to work with Kuwait
on these important issues.
Lebanon remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States continues to encourage Lebanon
to make progress on pending IPR legislative reforms, including amendments to Lebanon’s patent
and copyright laws and efforts to accede to the WIPO Internet treaties. The United States
encourages the Parliament to approve several additional IPR treaties that have been forwarded by
the Cabinet, including the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the Berne
Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the Singapore Treaty on the Law
of Trademarks, and the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Additionally, the United States encourages
Lebanon to provide its Cyber Crime and Intellectual Property Rights Bureau (CCIPRB) with ex
officio enforcement authority as well as to provide all of its enforcement authorities with
adequate resources to carry out their enforcement functions. The United States looks forward to
continuing to work with Lebanon to address these and other issues.
Mexico remains on the Watch List in 2014. Positive developments in Mexico in 2013 included
entry into force of the Madrid Protocol, implementation of amendments to the copyright law that
allow rights holders to seek damages in civil courts before an administrative infringement
decision is issued or becomes final, and progress in the destruction of seized illegal goods,
although overall seizure numbers have declined. However, serious concerns remain, particularly
with respect to the widespread availability of pirated and counterfeit goods in Mexico, including
at the Notorious Markets Tepito and San Juan de Dios, and also increased Internet piracy due in
part to higher broadband penetration. Although coordination has been increasing, criminal
enforcement suffers from inefficient coordination among federal and sub-federal officials, as
well as a lack of resources. In addition, to combat high levels of IPR infringement, Mexico
needs to devote additional resources, bring more IPR-related prosecutions, and impose deterrent
penalties against infringers. The United States continues to urge Mexico to provide its customs
officials with ex officio authority and to enact legislation to strengthen its copyright regime,
including by fully implementing the WIPO Internet Treaties and providing stronger protection 55
against the unauthorized camcording of motion pictures in theaters. Prior to 2011, Mexican
customs authorities and the Attorney General’s Office worked jointly to intercept and prosecute
transshipments of counterfeit and pirated goods. Following a shift in policy, however, Mexican
authorities now only take action against transshipments of suspected infringing goods if there is
evidence of “intent for commercial gain” in Mexican territory, which is very difficult to prove.
The United States strongly urges Mexico to revert to the previous policy that allowed for the
interception of potentially dangerous counterfeit trademark goods in transit to the United States
and other countries. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Mexico to
address these and other issues, including through the TPP negotiations.
Paraguay remains on the Watch List in 2014. In addition, the United States continues to monitor
Paraguay under Section 306. The Government of Paraguay has taken positive steps toward
strengthening IPR, particularly since President Cartes took office in August 2013. On October
10, 2013, President Cartes signed the implementing regulation (Decree 460) for Law 4798 of
2012 that created the National Directorate of Intellectual Property (DINAPI). DINAPI is now the
Paraguayan government authority responsible for the issuance and protection of copyrights,
trademarks, patents, industrial designs, and geographical indications. Additionally, the law
authorizes DINAPI’s enforcement arm, the General Enforcement Directorate, to conduct
administrative investigations and initiate proceedings at customs checkpoints and businesses.
Decree 460 also mandates the creation of a National IPR Policy, which has yet to be drafted. In
December 2013, DINAPI granted pharmaceutical patents to two U.S. companies, the first patents
reportedly granted since 2005. DINAPI has also undertaken outreach to the public, signed inter-
institutional cooperative agreements to improve IPR protection and enforcement, and has stepped
up enforcement operations, including at the border. The United States looks forward to working
constructively with Paraguay to address enforcement and other challenges, and to conclude
negotiations re-launched in March 2014 on a bilateral IPR Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU). Upon successful conclusion of the MOU, USTR will initiate an Out-of-Cycle Review
to remove Paraguay from the Watch List.
Peru remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States remains concerned about the
widespread availability of counterfeit and pirated products in Peru. The United States urges Peru
to devote additional resources for IPR enforcement, improve coordination among enforcement
agencies, enhance its border controls, and strengthen its judicial system. The United States
encourages Peru to coordinate enforcement and pursue prosecutions under the law that
criminalizes the sale of counterfeit medicines. In addition, the United States urges Peru to take
steps to implement its obligations under the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
regarding the prevention of government use of unlicensed software, and likewise urges steps to
implement obligations with respect to protections against piracy over the Internet, which
continues to be a growing problem. Peru also needs to clarify its protections for
biotechnologically-derived pharmaceutical products. The United States looks forward to 56
continuing to work with Peru to address these and other issues, including through the TPP
Romania remains on the Watch List in 2014. Despite positive instances of collaboration
between the Romanian government and stakeholders, systemic concerns remain with respect to
IPR protection and enforcement in that market. The United States encourages Romania to
prioritize IPR protection and enforcement and urges Romania to devote the necessary resources
and training for authorities to effectively address the continuing problems of piracy and
counterfeiting. In 2013, for example, the number of enforcement actions taken dropped
significantly when compared to 2012. Additionally, the General Prosecutor’s IPR coordination
department lacks sufficient staff. Romania should also take steps to address concerns over
judicial delays and a lack of deterrent-level sentencing. Piracy over the Internet remains a
serious concern, and more enforcement efforts are needed to address the problem. While some
concerns persist, Romania has taken some positive steps. For example, cooperation between law
enforcement, prosecutors, and IP-based industry groups continues to be close and effective at the
working level. Notably, the GPO IPR Department also drafted guidelines for conducting
Internet piracy investigations, and issued new procedures for prosecuting IPR crimes, which
came into force on January 1, 2014. Notably, these procedures have resulted in positive
enforcement actions against online piracy and counterfeiting. The United States looks forward to
continuing to work with Romania to address these and other issues.
Tajikistan remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States urges Tajikistan to implement
fully amendments of its Customs Code to provide ex officio authority to its customs and criminal
enforcement officials, as discussed in connection with Tajikistan’s WTO accession. The United
States continues to recommend that Tajikistan increase prosecutions of criminal IPR
infringement, and address optical disc piracy as well as reports of government use of unlicensed
software. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Tajikistan to increase its
enforcement capacity in general, and to advance Tajikistan’s implementation of commitments
made as part of Tajikistan’s WTO accession process.
Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States continues to urge
the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to enforce the copyright provisions of its cable license
agreements against cable operators who refuse to negotiate with the Copyright Music
Organization of Trinidad and Tobago (“COTT”), the local performing rights organization, for
compensation for public performance of music, including for music written by American
composers. Particularly troubling is the situation with local cable operator FLOW. A court in
2011 found that FLOW is required to obtain a public performance license from and pay all
applicable fees to COTT. However, nearly three years later, judicial authorities have not 57
completed the appeal hearing nor assessed royalties owed to COTT. Furthermore,
notwithstanding this decision, the local cable operator has failed to obtain the required public
performance license, in violation of its cable license agreement with the government. The
United States urges the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to take all necessary actions to
ensure that the terms of such licenses be fulfilled or that those licenses be terminated. The
United States also urges the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to address optical media piracy
and other forms of IPR infringement. These issues affect not only American artists but
Caribbean artists as well. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Trinidad
and Tobago to address these and other issues.
Turkey remains on the Watch List in 2014. U.S. rights holders continue to raise serious concerns
regarding the export from, and transshipment through, Turkey of counterfeit and pirated
products. In particular, industry has expressed concern about the manufacture of counterfeited
luxury goods, digital media, and textiles. Software piracy is also a growing problem. Serial
code crackers and key generators used to gain unlawful access to software are commonly
available, and in some cases, computers sold at retail stores are preloaded with illegal software.
Legislative proposals intended to improve copyright and industrial property protections have not
yet been finalized and passed. Adequate, transparent, and effective enforcement of IPR remains
a significant challenge in Turkey, including due to obstacles posed by judicial delays, rarity of
deterrent-level penalties, and the fact that the Turkish National Police lack ex officio authority.
However, the United States congratulates Turkey on several successful enforcement initiatives
resulting in the prosecution of individuals selling counterfeit medicines online and the seizure of
printing presses and materials used to counterfeit pharmaceutical packaging, as well as the
seizure of pirated books, counterfeited food products, and counterfeited cancer treatments. In
addition, the United States notes that the Turkish National Police, Turkish Patent Institute, and
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, as well as other agencies in the Turkish government,
participated in several training, coordination, and public education initiatives, and the United
States looks forward to seeing this productive cooperation between Turkey, WIPO, the United
States, INTERPOL, and others continue. The United States looks forward to working with
Turkey on these and other issues.
Turkmenistan remains on the Watch List in 2014. In 2012, Turkmenistan adopted a Law on
Copyright and Allied Rights and amended its Civil Code to enhance IPR protection. However,
Turkmenistan reportedly has yet to provide for effective administrative, civil or criminal
procedures or penalties for enforcement of these rights. The United States urges Turkmenistan
to provide for such enforcement procedures, including but not limited to ex officio authority for
its customs officials. In addition, the United States continues to strongly encourage
Turkmenistan to join the Berne Convention on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and
the Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized 58
Duplication of their Phonographs (Geneva Phonograms Convention). The United States looks
forward to continuing to work with Turkmenistan on these and other issues.
Uzbekistan remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States congratulates Uzbekistan on
the long-awaited passage of legislation that resulted in withdrawal of Uzbekistan’s reservation to
Article 18 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, which
relates to the protection of works created before 2005. However, the Uzbekistani Parliament
should immediately take several legislative steps to address longstanding deficiencies in IPR
protection. Specifically, it should: (1) approve Uzbekistan joining the Convention for the
Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of their Phonographs
(Geneva Phonograms Convention); (2) approve Uzbekistan’s accession to the WIPO Copyright
Treaty and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WIPO Internet Treaties); and (3) take
legislative action to provide adequate copyright protection for foreign sound recordings.
Additionally, Uzbekistan should provide additional resources to the Agency for Intellectual
Property and other enforcement agencies as well as ex officio authority to initiate investigations
and enforcement actions, including at the border. Uzbekistan also lacks deterrent-level penalties
for IPR infringement. The United States will continue to engage with Uzbekistan on these IPR
Vietnam remains on the Watch List in 2014. Although Vietnam took certain steps to improve its
regulatory framework in 2012 and 2013 by passing decrees and issuing circulars to strengthen
copyright protection and enforcement, significant areas of concern remain. Piracy and sales of
counterfeit goods over the Internet are a growing concern, and counterfeit goods also remain
widely available in physical markets. In addition, book piracy, software piracy (including on
government computer systems), and cable and satellite signal theft continue to be widespread.
Although Vietnam took further steps to improve public awareness efforts, Vietnam has made
little progress in advancing enforcement actions. Enforcement agencies continue to have
capacity constraints, due in part to a lack of resources and IPR expertise, and the lack of
coordination among the agencies with enforcement jurisdiction is a further complicating factor.
Vietnam should clarify its system for protecting against the unfair commercial use, as well as
unauthorized disclosure, of undisclosed test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval
for pharmaceutical products. While Vietnam has broad laws criminalizing IPR crimes, the
government has yet to draft the implementing guidelines that are necessary for law enforcement
agencies and the courts to levy deterrent criminal penalties against IPR violators. The United
States looks forward to continuing to work with Vietnam to address these and other issues,
including in the TPP negotiations. 59
Special 301 Statutory Authority
Pursuant to the Special 301 statutory mandate, Section 182 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended
by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 and the Uruguay Round Agreements
Act of 1994 (19 U.S.C. § 2242), USTR is required to identify “those foreign countries that deny
adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights, or deny fair and equitable market
access to United States persons that rely upon intellectual property protection.” The USTR shall
only designate countries that have the most onerous or egregious acts, policies, or practices and
whose acts, policies, or practices have the greatest adverse impact (actual or potential) on the
relevant U.S. products as Priority Foreign Countries. Priority Foreign Countries are potentially
subject to an investigation under the Section 301 provisions of the Trade Act of 1974. USTR
may not designate a country as a Priority Foreign Country if it is entering into good faith
negotiations or making significant progress in bilateral or multilateral negotiations to provide
adequate and effective protection of IPR. USTR is required to decide whether to identify
countries within 30 days after issuance of the annual National Trade Estimate Report. In
addition, USTR may identify a trading partner as a Priority Foreign Country or re-designate the
trading partner whenever warranted.
USTR has created a Priority Watch List and Watch List under the Special 301 provisions.
Placement of a trading partner on the Priority Watch List or Watch List indicates that particular
problems exist in that country with respect to IPR protection, enforcement, or market access for
persons relying on IPR. Countries placed on the Priority Watch List are the focus of increased
bilateral attention concerning the problem areas.
Additionally, under Section 306, USTR monitors a trading partner’s compliance with measures
that are the basis for resolving an investigation under Section 301. USTR may apply sanctions if
a country fails to satisfactorily implement such measures.
The Trade Policy Staff Committee, in particular the Special 301 Subcommittee, in advising
USTR on the implementation of Special 301, obtains information from and holds consultations
with the private sector, U.S. embassies, foreign governments, and the U.S. Congress, among
other sources. 60
In addition to identifying concerns, this Report also highlights opportunities for the U.S.
Government to work closely with trading partners to address those concerns. The U.S.
Government collaborates with various trading partners on IPR-related training and capacity
building around the world. Domestically and abroad, bilaterally, and in regional groupings, the
U.S. Government remains engaged in building stronger, more streamlined, and more effective
systems for the protection and enforcement of IPR.
Although many trading partners have enacted IPR legislation, a lack of criminal prosecutions and
deterrent sentencing has reduced the effectiveness of IPR enforcement in many regions. These
problems result from several factors, including a lack of knowledge of IPR law on the part of
judges and enforcement officials, and insufficient enforcement resources. The United States
welcomes steps by a number of trading partners to educate their judiciary and enforcement
officials on IPR matters. The United States will continue to work collaboratively with trading
partners to address these issues.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), through the Global Intellectual Property
Academy (GIPA) and the Office of Policy and International Affairs offers programs in the
United States and around the world to provide education, training, and capacity building on IPR
protection, commercialization, and enforcement. These programs are offered to patent,
trademark, and copyright officials, judges and prosecutors, police and customs officials, foreign
policy makers, and U.S. rights holders.
Other U.S. Government agencies bring foreign government and private sector representatives to
the United States on study tours to meet with IPR professionals and to visit the institutions and
businesses responsible for developing, protecting, and promoting IPR in the United States. One
such program is the Department of State’s International Visitors Leadership Program, which
brings groups from around the world to cities across the United States to learn more about IPR
and related trade and business issues.
Overseas, the U.S. Government is also active in partnering to provide training, technical
assistance, capacity building, exchange of best practices, and other collaborative activities to
improve IPR protection and enforcement. The following are examples of these programs.
In 2013, GIPA provided training to 7,078 foreign IPR officials from 135 countries,
through 114 separate programs. Attendees included IPR policy makers, judges,
prosecutors, customs officers, and examiners, and training topics covered the entire
spectrum of IPR. Post-training surveys demonstrated that 100 percent of all attendees
reported that they had taken some steps to implement positive policy change in their
respective organizations.
GIPA also has produced seven free distance-learning modules, available on its website in
multiple languages (English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Russian). There have been 61
over 41,460 hits on those modules since being placed on the site in early
In addition, the USPTO’s Office of Policy and International Affairs provides capacity
building in countries around the world, and has concluded agreements with 20 national,
regional, and international IPR organizations, such as the United Kingdom Intellectual
Property Office (UKIPO), Japan Patent Office (JPO), European Patent Office (EPO),
German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), Government Agencies of the People’s
Republic of China, Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), the Korean
Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), and the World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO). These partnerships help establish a framework for joint development of
informational, educational IP content, technical cooperation, and classification activities.
The Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (ITA) collaborates
with the private sector to develop programs to heighten the awareness of the dangers of
counterfeit products and of the economic value of IPR to national economies.
Additionally, ITA develops and shares small business tools to help domestic and foreign
businesses understand IPR. ITA, working closely with other U.S. Government agencies
and foreign partners, developed and made available IPR training materials in English,
Spanish, and French. Under the auspices of the Transatlantic IPR Working Group, ITA
worked closely with the European Union’s Directorate General for Enterprise and
Industry to establish a Transatlantic IPR Portal so the resources of our respective
governments are quickly and easily accessible to the public. All of the ITA-developed
resources, including the Transatlantic IPR Portal, as well as information and links to the
other programs identified in this Annex, are accessible via
In 2013, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security
Investigations (HSI), through the National IPR Coordination Center (IPR Center) and in
conjunction with INTERPOL, conducted law enforcement training programs in India,
Mexico, Morocco, Algeria, Botswana, Zambia, Namibia, Malawi, Singapore and
Thailand, and in France for countries from Southeast Asia. ICE-HSI trained officials and
police officers from Mexico, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Fiji, Singapore,
Algeria, Morocco, Botswana, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The IPR
Center also conducted advanced training programs at the International Law Enforcement
Academies (ILEAs) in Botswana, El Salvador, Hungary, and Peru for participants from
26 countries.
The Department of State provides training funds each year to U.S. Government agencies
that provide IPR enforcement training and technical assistance to foreign governments.
The agencies that provide such training include the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ),
USPTO, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and ICE. In 2013, the Department 62
of State provided funds for 18 training programs for customs, police, and judicial
officials from various trading partners, including Pakistan, Mexico, Indonesia, and the
Philippines as well as regional trainings in Central America, Southeast Asia, and the
Middle East. The U.S. Government works collaboratively on many of these training
programs with the private sector and with various international entities such as WIPO and
IPR protection is a main focus of the government-to-government technical assistance
provided by the Commerce Department’s Commercial Law Development Program
(CLDP). CLDP programs address enforcement and adjudication of disputes, as well as
IPR protection and its impact on the economy, IPR law compliance with the WTO TRIPS
Agreement, IPR curricula in law schools, and public awareness campaigns. CLDP
supports capacity building in innovation and technology transfer as well as in patent
examination and copyright management in many countries worldwide. CLDP also works
with the judiciary in various trading partners to improve the skills to effectively
adjudicate IPR cases, and conducts interagency coordination programs to highlight the
value of a whole-of-government approach to IPR protection and enforcement.
The Department of Justice Criminal Division, using funding provided by and in
cooperation with the Department of State, and in cooperation with other U.S. agencies,
provides IPR enforcement training to foreign officials. Topics covered in these programs
include investigating and prosecuting cases under intellectual property,
economic/financial and organized crime statutes, combatting Internet piracy,
intragovernmental and international cooperation and information sharing, obtaining and
using electronic evidence; and the general importance of reducing counterfeiting and
piracy. Major ongoing initiatives include multiple programs in Central and Eastern
Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa.
The U.S. Copyright Office, often in conjunction with various international visitor
programs, hosts international visitors, including foreign government officials, to discuss
and exchange information on the U.S. copyright system, its registration and recordation
functions, and various international copyright issues. Staff also participates in a number
of conferences in the United States and abroad to discuss current copyright issues and
inform the public about the activities of the Copyright Office.
The United States reports annually to the WTO on its IPR capacity building efforts, including
most recently in October 2013. (See Technical Cooperation Activities: Information from
Members – United States, IP/C/W/594/Add.6). 63
The United States continues to work with other governments, in consultation with U.S. copyright
industries and other affected sectors, to develop strategies to address global IPR issues. In 1996,
two new treaties were concluded at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): the
WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).
Following their entry into force in 2002, these treaties have raised the standard of copyright
protection around the world, particularly with regard to Internet-based delivery of copyrighted
content. The WIPO Internet Treaties clarified certain exclusive rights and require signatories to
provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of
certain technological measures as well as certain acts affecting rights management information.
A growing number of trading partners are implementing the WIPO Internet Treaties to create a
legal environment conducive to investment and growth in legitimate Internet-related businesses,
services, and technologies.
As of April 2014, there are 92 contracting parties to the WPPT and 91 contracting parties to the
WCT. Other trading partners have implemented key provisions of these treaties in their national
laws without formally ratifying them. The United States urges other governments to ratify and
implement the provisions of the WIPO Internet Treaties.
The following trading partner became party to the WCT between January 2013 and March 2014:
Algeria Entry into Force: January 31, 2014
The following trading partner became party to the WPPT between January 2013 and March
Algeria Entry into Force: January 31, 2014