Unidaes de invertigacion del Cibercrimen en New York
Computer Crime Unit
The Computer Crime Unit is an investigative support service organized under Field Command – Bureau of Criminal Investigation. The Unit was founded in 1992 and is currently located at the NYSP Forensic Investigation center.
The Computer Crime Unit is responsible for three operational areas:
The multi-agency Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force targets predators who seeking to exploit and victimize children through the use of computers an the Internet.
The Computer Forensic Laboratory, a full service laboratory dedicated to the collection, preservation, and analysis of computers and digital evidence and to providing forensic response at crime scenes and large computer incidents.
The Cyber-Terrorism Unit, a regionally deployed group of specially trained Investigators, who support any investigation involving computers and technology and are first responders to information systems emergencies.
For assistance with computer-related complaints, please contact your local State Police station, who will request assistance from the Computer Crime Unit.