Legislative Acts on ICT – Cybercrime (legislacion sobre el cybercrimen en el mundo)

Legislative Acts on ICT – Cybercrime

Countrysort icon Title Entry into force
Antigua and Barbuda The Computer Misuse Act 2006
Argentina Ley 26.388/2008 – Delitos Informaticos 2008
Australia Cybercrime Act 2001
Belgium Loi sur la criminalité informatique 2000
Bermuda Computer Misuse Act 1996
Cameroon Cybersécurité et la Cybercriminalité au Cameroun 2010
Chile Ley 19223/1993 – Ley Relativa a Delitos Informaticos 1993
Council of Europe Guidelines for the Cooperation between Law Enforcement and Internet Service Providers against Cybercrime 2008
Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime 2004
Council of Europe Guidelines for the Cooperation between Law Enforcement and Internet Service Providers against Cybercrime 2008
Council of Europe Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, Concerning the Criminalisation of Acts of a Racist and Xenophobic Nature Committed through Computer Systems 2006
Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime 2004
European Union Council Framework Decision 2005/222/JHA on Attacks Against Information Systems 2005
European Union Europan Parliament recommendation to the Council on strengthening security and fundamental freedoms on the Internet 2009
India Information Technology Act 2000
Ireland Regulation on Unsolicited Communications 2008
Italy Legge Anticriminalità 2008
Japan Law No. 128 of 1999 – Unauthorized Computer Access Law 1999
Kenya Kenya Communications (Amendment) Act 2009
Malaysia Computer Crimes Act 1997
Mauritius Computer Misuse and Cybercrime Act 2003
OECD OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks 2002
Pakistan Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance, 2008 (Ordinance No. IX of 2008) 2008
Portugal Lei 109/91 – Lei da Criminalidade Informatica 1991
Romania Provisions on Preventing and Fighting Cybercrime 2003
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Electronic Transactions Act 2007
Singapore Computer Misuse Act 1993
South Africa Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 2002
Spain Royal Decree 3/2010 2010
Sri Lanka Computer Crime Act 2007
Thailand Computer Crime Act 2007
Tonga Computer Crimes Act 2003
Turkey Regulation of Internet Publications and Combating Crimes Committed through such Publications 2007
United Arab Emirates Federal Law n. 2/2006 – Prevention of Information Technology Crimes 2006
United Kingdom Computer Misuse Act 1990
United Kingdom Regulation of Investigatory Power Act 2000
United States Cybercrime: an Overview of the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Statute and Related Federal Criminal Laws 2008
United States 18 U.S.C. 1986
Uruguay Ley n. 17.838 – Proteccion de Datos Personales para ser Utilizados en Informes Comerciales y Accion de Habeas Data 2004
Venezuela Ley Especial Contra los Delitos Informaticos 2001
Zambia Computer Misuse and Crimes Act 2004

Additional search links for legislative acts on ICT

Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC)
A pan-African NGO and resource centre that promotes the right of access to information through comparative research, coordinating regional advocacy, facilitating information-sharing and capacity building.
Asian Legal Information Institute
A non-profit and free access website for legal information from all 27 countries and territories in Asia located from Japan in the east to Pakistan in the west, and from Mongolia in the north to Timor Leste in the south.
Dedicated to presentation and discussion of Caribbean legal materials
Cybercrime Laws
A global information clearinghouse on cybercrime law. Its editor is Chief judge Stein Schjolberg from Norway. The survey of current legislation includes Laws of 78 countries.
EUR-Lex provides direct free access to European Union law. Here one can consult the Official Journal of the European Union as well as the treaties, legislation, case-law and legislative proposals.
Global Legal Information Network (GLIN)
GLIN is an online repository of searchable full-text legal documents, judicial decisions, legislation, statutes and other laws issued from January 1950 to present. Searches may be made by jurisdiction, publication date, subject terms, and language.
Legal Information Institute
A research and electronic publishing activity of the Cornell Law School. Collections include the U.S. Code, Supreme Court opinions and Laws on various issues.
An internet-based free-of-charge legislative database published and maintained by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. Its purpose is to assist lawmakers in OSCE participating States by providing them with sample domestic legislation and international standards on selected human dimension issues.
Political Database of the Americas
The section “Legislative Branch” of this website contains links to legislative branches in the Americas. The sources are categorized by country.
Southern African Legal Information Institute
Collects and publishes legal materials from Southern and Eastern Africa. The current collection includes superior court judgments from Botswana, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The World Law Guide
Offers more them 30.000 links to legal sites in over 160 countries.
World Legal Information Institute
The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) is a non-profit global legal research facility developed collaboratively by various Legal Information Institutes (LIIs) and Law Schools.

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